


This repo contains source code for our paper: "Adversarial Mahalanobis Distance-based Attentive Song Recommender for Automatic Playlist Continuation" published in SIGIR 2019.

Data Format:


Demo example:

Training MDR and AMDR:

Training with MDR:

python -u main.py --cuda 1 --dropout 0.2 --dataset demo --epochs 50 --load_best_chkpoint 0 --model mdr --num_factors 64 --reg_mdr 0.0 --adv 0 --act_func_mdr none --data_type upt

Training with AMDR:

After training MDR, we will have best checkpoint saved at chk_points. The model will then automatically load the best chekpoint w.r.t the validation dataset, and use it as an initial start for adversarial learning. Without the initial learning of MDR, if you learn with adversarial learning from the sractch, we can get lower results.

python main.py --dataset demo --data_type upt --model mdr --num_factors  64 --reg_mdr 0.0 --load_best_chkpoint 1 --cuda 1 --epochs 50 --adv 1 --reg_noise 1.0 --eval 0 --lr 1e-3 

Training with MASS:

python -u main.py --act_func relu --cuda 1 --dropout 0.2 --dataset demo --epochs 50 --load_best_chkpoint 0 --model mass --num_factors 64 --reg_mass 1e-6 --adv 0 --data_type ut

Training with AMASS:

python main.py --act_func relu --dataset demo --data_type ut --model mass --num_factors  64 --reg_mass 1e-6 --load_best_chkpoint 1 --cuda 1 --epochs 50 --adv 1 --reg_noise 1.0 --eval 0 --lr 1e-3 

Training with MASR:

python main.py --act_func relu --dataset demo --model masr --num_factors  64 --reg_mass 1e-6 --reg_mdr 0.0 --load_best_chkpoint 1 --cuda 1 --epochs 50 --adv 0 --reg_noise 1.0 --eval 0 --lr 1e-3 --act_func_mdr none --data_type_mdr upt --data_type_mass ut --beta 0.5

Training with AMASR:

python main.py --act_func relu --dataset demo --model masr --num_factors  64 --reg_mass 1e-6 --reg_mdr 0.0 --load_best_chkpoint 1 --cuda 1 --epochs 50 --adv 1 --reg_noise 1.0 --eval 0 --lr 1e-3 --act_func_mdr none --data_type_mdr upt --data_type_mass ut --beta 0.5

If you dont have GPU, then set --cuda 0. Please enjoy the boosted performance from the adversarial training with our flexible noise magnitude.

Please cite our paper if you see it is helpful at:

  title={Adversarial Mahalanobis Distance-based Attentive Song Recommender for Automatic Playlist Continuation},
  author={Tran, Thanh and Sweeney, Renee and Lee, Kyumin},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},