

sshpiper 🖇

E2E Go Report Card Docker Image

sshpiper is the reverse proxy for sshd. all protocols, including ssh, scp, port forwarding, running on top of ssh are supported.

Note: this is v1 version, checkout legacy v0 here

Overview and Terminology

+---------+                      +------------------+          +-----------------+
|         |                      |                  |          |                 |
|   Bob   +----ssh -l bob----+   |   sshpiper    +------------->   Bob' machine  |
|         |                  |   |               |  |          |                 |
+---------+                  |   |               |  |          +-----------------+
                             +---> pipe-by-name--+  |                             
+---------+                  |   |               |  |          +-----------------+
|         |                  |   |               |  |          |                 |
|  Alice  +----ssh -l alice--+   |               +------------->  Alice' machine |
|         |                      |                  |          |                 |
+---------+                      +------------------+          +-----------------+

 downstream                         sshpiper                        upstream                     

Quick start


git clone https://github.com/tg123/sshpiper
cd sshpiper
git submodule update --init --recursive

mkdir out
go build -tags full -o out ./...

Run simple demo

start dummy sshd server

docker run -d -e USER_NAME=user -e USER_PASSWORD=pass -e PASSWORD_ACCESS=true -p lscr.io/linuxserver/openssh-server

start sshpiperd with fixed plugin targeting the dummy sshd server

./out/sshpiperd -i /tmp/sshpiperkey --server-key-generate-mode notexist --log-level=trace ./out/fixed --target

test ssh connection (password: pass)

ssh -l user -p 2222

âž• math before login?

Here illustrates the example of addional challenge before the fixed plugin.

./out/sshpiperd -i /tmp/sshpiperkey --server-key-generate-mode notexist --log-level=trace ./out/simplemath -- ./out/fixed --target



Plugin list

Screening recording

sshpiperd support recording the screen in typescript format (not the lang). The format is compatible with scriptreplay(1)

To use it, start sshpiperd with --typescript-log-dir loggingdir


ssh user_name@ -p 2222
... do some commands

$ cd loggingdir/user_name
$ ls *.timing *.typescript
1472847798.timing 1472847798.typescript

$ scriptreplay -t 1472847798.timing 1472847798.typescript # will replay the ssh session

Public key authentication when using sshpiper (Private key remapping)

During SSH publickey auth, RFC 4252 Section 7, ssh client sign session_id and some other data using private key into a signature sig. This is for server to verify that the connection is from the client not the man in the middle.

However, sshpiper actually holds two ssh connection, and it is doing what the man in the middle does. the two ssh connections' session_id will never be the same, because they are hash of the shared secret. RFC 4253 Section 7.2.

To support publickey auth, sshpiper routing plugin must provide a new private key for the upstream to sign the session_id. This new private key is called mapping key.

How this work

+------------+        +------------------------+                       
|            |        |                        |                       
|   client   |        |   sshpiper             |                       
|   PK_X     +-------->      |                 |                       
|            |        |      v                 |                       
|            |        |   Check Permission     |                       
+------------+        |      |                 |                       
                      |      |                 |                       
                      |      |                 |     +----------------+
                      |      v                 |     |                |
                      |   sign again           |     |   server       |
                      |   using PK_Y  +-------------->   check PK_Y   |
                      |                        |     |                |
                      |                        |     |                |
                      +------------------------+     +----------------+

Ports to other platforms

Migrating from v0

What's the major change in v1

For plugins already in v1, you need change params to new params. However, not all plugins are migrated to v1 yet, they are being migrated gradually. you can still use the old plugins in v0 branch


