

Motion-Attentive Transition for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation




This is a PyTorch implementation of our MATNet for unsupervised video object segmentation.

Motion-Attentive Transition for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation. [Arxiv] [TIP]


The training and testing experiments are conducted using PyTorch 1.0.1 with a single GeForce RTX 2080Ti GPU with 11GB Memory.

Other minor Python modules can be installed by running

pip install -r requirements.txt



git clone --recursive https://github.com/tfzhou/MATNet.git

Download Datasets

In the paper, we use the following two public available dataset for training. Here are some steps to prepare the data:

Prepare Edge Annotations

I have provided some matlab scripts to generate edge annotations from mask. Please run data/run_davis2017.m and data/run_youtube.m.

Prepare HED Results

I have provided the pytorch codes to generate HED results for the two datasets (see 3rdparty/pytorch-hed). Please run run_davis.py and run_youtube.py.

The codes are borrowed from https://github.com/sniklaus/pytorch-hed.

Prepare Optical Flow

I have provided the pytorch codes to generate optical flow results for the two datasets (see 3rdparty/pytorch-pwc). Please run run_davis_flow.py and run_youtubevos_flow.py.

The codes are borrowed from https://github.com/sniklaus/pytorch-pwc. Please follow the setup section to install cupy.

warning: Total size of optical flow results of Youtube-VOS is more than 30GB.


Once all data is prepared, please run python train_MATNet.py for training.


  1. Run python test_MATNet.py to obtain the saliency results on DAVIS-16 val set.
  2. Run python apply_densecrf_davis.py for binary segmentation results.

Segmentation Results

  1. The segmentation results on DAVIS-16 and Youtube-objects can be downloaded from Google Drive.
  2. The segmentation results on DAVIS-17 val can be downloaded from Google Drive. We achieved 58.6 in terms of Mean J&F.
  3. The segmentation results on DAVIS-17 test-dev can be downloaded from Google Drive. We achieved 59.8 in terms of Mean J&F. The method also achieved the second place in DAVIS-20 unsupervised object segmentation challenge. Please refer to paper for more details of our challenge solution.

Pretrained Models

The pre-trained model can be downloaded from Google Drive.


If you find MATNet useful for your research, please consider citing the following papers:

  title={Motion-Attentive Transition for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation},
  author={Zhou, Tianfei and Wang, Shunzhou and Zhou, Yi and Yao, Yazhou and Li, Jianwu and Shao, Ling},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},

  title={MATNet: Motion-Attentive Transition Network for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation},
  author={Zhou, Tianfei and Li, Jianwu and Wang, Shunzhou and Tao, Ran and Shen, Jianbing},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},

  author = {Zhou, Tianfei and Li, Jianwu and Li, Xueyi and Shao, Ling},
  title = {Target-Aware Object Discovery and Association for Unsupervised Video Multi-Object Segmentation},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  year = {2021}