

Cx3Dp (Mavenized project)

This repository hosts a mavenized version of the Cx3Dp program. Cx3Dp (parallallized Cx3D) is a Multithread version of the original Cx3D program.

Cx3D (Cortex simulation in 3D) is a tool for simulating the growth of cortex in 3D developed at the Institute of Neuroinformatics of the University of Zürich and ETH Zürich. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3.

For more information refer to the official Cx3D website and the cx3d-mvn repository.


Cx3Dp revision 1035 (2015.05). Svn revision available here.

Cx3D and Cx3Dp compatibility

API changes between cx3d and cx3dp may require heavy refactoring of existing models. However most changes should be straightforward to implement.
