

Bag of region embeddings via local context units for text classification

Tensorflow implementation of ICLR 2018 paper A new method of region embedding for text classification.

0. Requirements


Python (verified on 2.7.13)

Python Packages

tensorflow(verified on 1.0)

1. Datasets

We use publicly available datasets from Zhang et al.(2015) to evaluate our models. The datasets can be obtained from here.

2. Pre-processing

First, download the datasets and place them in data directory.

Second, pre-process the datasets:

	sh run.sh preprocess $data_dir

3. Training

To ensure the reproducibility of the experiment, we provide detailed configs binding corresponding dataset. Specify the target dataset config and run:

Yelp Polarity. sh run.sh train conf yelp.p.model.config
Yelp Full.sh run.sh train conf/yelp.full.model.config
Amazon Polarity. sh run.sh train conf/amazon.p.model.config
Amazon Full. sh run.sh train conf/amazon.full.model.config
Ag news. sh run.sh train conf/ag_news.model.config
Sogou. sh run.sh train conf/sogou.model.conf
Yahoo Answer.sh run.sh train conf/yahoo.answer.model.conf
DBPedia.sh run.sh train conf/dbpedia.model.config

4. Exploratory experiments

We provide the exploratory method involved in the paper if readers are interesed in reproducing them. Readers can specific the mode setting in configure to run different expriments:

scalarScalar version of W.C.region.emb
multi_regionMulti-region version of W.C.region.emb

We have placed some example configs for the exploratory experiments on Yelp.Full. You can just run folowing comands to try them:

Multi-region version of W.C.region.embsh run.sh train conf/yelp.full.multi-region.model.config
Scalar version of W.C.region.embsh run.sh train conf/yelp.full.scalar.model.config
FastText(Win-pool)sh run.sh train conf/yelp.full.winpool.model.config