


This plugin integrates TestCafe with the TestingBot Testing Cloud.


npm install testcafe-browser-provider-testingbot


You need to have NodeJS installed and Java (JRE8 or higher). Java is required for the TestingBot Tunnel to work.


Before you can use this plugin, you will need to get the TestingBot key and secret from the TestingBot member area. Once you have these two credentials, add these as environment variablesTB_KEY and TB_SECRET.

You can determine the available browser aliases by running

testcafe -b testingbot

When you run tests from the command line, use the alias when specifying browsers:

testcafe "testingbot:chrome@latest:WIN10" 'path/to/test/file.js'

If you'd like to run a test on multiple browsers, simultaneously:

testcafe "testingbot:chrome@latest:WIN10","testingbot:firefox@latest-1:SONOMA" 'path/to/test/file.js'

When you use API, pass the alias to the browsers() method:



Use the following environment variables to set additional configuration options:


export TB_SCREEN_RESOLUTION="1920x1080"
export TB_TEST_NAME="E2E TestCafe"
export TB_BUILD="Build 42"
testcafe testingbot:safari,testingbot:chrome tests/

Selenium Capabilities file

You can use a capabilities.json file which contains a JSON object with capabilities you want to use. Each key in this json file can be used as a parameter. For example, if you have a chrome key in this file, then the following command will send the capabilities for this key to the TestingBot grid:

testcafe testingbot:chrome tests/

Build Plugin Locally (Development Mode)

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install Packages and Test/Build
$ npm i
$ npm run test
  1. Link Testcafe with this plugin
$ sudo npm link

About TestingBot

TestingBot provides a cloud of +5200 browsers and physical mobile devices. TestingBot is 100% compatible with all frameworks and Selenium/Appium bindings. Take advantage of high concurrency selenium testing in the cloud.