

Flask Skeleton

Flask starter project for Cookiecutter.

Build Status

This project is used to generate a basic Flask project with Cookiecutter. It's designed for a web application that uses server-side templating to render Jinja templates on the front-end.

Flask Extensions:

  1. Flask-Bcrypt
  2. Flask-Bootstrap
  3. Flask-DebugToolbar
  4. Flask-Login
  5. Flask-Migrate
  6. Flask-SQLAlchemy
  7. Flask-Testing
  8. Flask-WTF

Quick Start

Install Cookiecutter globally:

$ pip install cookiecutter

Generate the boilerplate:

$ cookiecutter https://github.com/testdrivenio/cookiecutter-flask-skeleton.git

Once generated, review the setup guides, within the newly created project directory, to configure the app:

  1. setup-with-docker.md
  2. setup-without-docker.md