



Testcontainers is an Elixir library that supports ExUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.

Table of Contents


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:


To add Testcontainers to your project, follow these steps:

  1. Add testcontainers to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
    {:testcontainers, "~> 1.10"}
  1. Run mix deps.get

  2. Add the following to test/test_helper.exs



This section explains how to use the Testcontainers library in your own project.

Basic usage

You can use generic container api, where you have to define everything yourself:

{:ok, _} = Testcontainers.start_link()
config = %Testcontainers.Container{image: "redis:5.0.3-alpine"}
{:ok, container} = Testcontainers.start_container(config)

Or you can use one of many predefined containers like RedisContainer, that has waiting strategies among other things defined up front with good defaults:

{:ok, _} = Testcontainers.start_link()
config = Testcontainers.RedisContainer.new()
{:ok, container} = Testcontainers.start_container(config)

If you want to use a predefined container, such as RedisContainer, with an alternative image, for example, valkey/valkey, it's possible:

{:ok, _} = Testcontainers.start_link()
config =
  |> Testcontainers.RedisContainer.with_image("valkey/valkey:latest")
  |> Testcontainers.RedisContainer.with_check_image("valkey/valkey")
{:ok, container} = Testcontainers.start_container(config)

ExUnit tests

Given you have added Testcontainers.start_link() to test_helper.exs:

  config = Testcontainers.RedisContainer.new()
  {:ok, container} = Testcontainers.start_container(config)
  ExUnit.Callbacks.on_exit(fn -> Testcontainers.stop_container(container.container_id) end)
  {:ok, %{redis: container}}

there is a macro that can simplify this down to a oneliner:

import Testcontainers.ExUnit

container(:redis, Testcontainers.RedisContainer.new())

Run tests in a Phoenix project (or any project for that matter)

To run/wrap testcontainers around a project use the testcontainers.test task.

mix testcontainers.test [--database postgres|mysql]

to use postgres you can just run

mix testcontainers.test since postgres is default.

in your config/test.exs you can then change the repo config to this:

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  username: System.get_env("DB_USER") || "postgres",
  password: System.get_env("DB_PASSWORD") || "postgres",
  hostname: System.get_env("DB_HOST") || "localhost",
  port: System.get_env("DB_PORT") || "5432",
  database: "my_app_test#{System.get_env("MIX_TEST_PARTITION")}",
  pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox,
  pool_size: System.schedulers_online() * 2

Activate reuse of database containers started by mix task with adding testcontainers.reuse.enable=true in ~/.testcontainers.properties. This is experimental.


By default, Testcontainers doesn't log anything. If you want Testcontainers to log, set the desired log level in config/test.exs:

# config/test.exs

import Config 

config :testcontainers,
  log_level: :warning

API Documentation

For more detailed information about the API, different container configurations, and advanced usage scenarios, please refer to the API documentation.


We welcome your contributions! Please see our contributing guidelines (TBD) for more details on how to submit patches and the contribution workflow.


Testcontainers is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


If you have any questions, issues, or want to contribute, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for using Testcontainers to test your Elixir applications!