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Blacklite is an SQLite appender that is intended for cases where you want buffer of logging data, and also want the option of querying logs from different processes with a built in query language.

So why use Blacklite? Logback does come with a built-in circular buffer appender, but there is no way to dump it on command. The terse-logback ring buffer classes will dump a ring buffer, but flush the entire buffer to logs. This works in a single-user or client scenario as described in Using Ring Buffer Logging to Help Find Bugs, but does not work in a server-side environment, where there may be many concurrent operations and a much greater volume of logs which would make "dumping" in appropriate.

Blacklite provides this functionality by using a queue roughly equivalent to an in-memory ring buffer, and then writing to a database configured for write throughput by using memory mapping and write ahead logging. Using SQLite, the buffer can be queried instead of dumped, and a much broader array of ecosystem of tools can be used with SQLite than with an in-memory ring buffer.

Practically speaking, with some decent hardware you can budget around 800 debugging statements per 1 ms request -- see benchmarks. Using conditional logging, you can turn on debug logging in production and get a complete picture of what a single request is doing. See echopraxia-examples and terse-logback-showcase for a live demonstration.

Blog post here.

Core Features

Blacklite supports both Logback and Log4J 2.

Blacklite writes to a single table with the following structure:

  epoch_secs LONG, // number of seconds since epoch
  nanos INTEGER,  // nanoseconds in the second
  level INTEGER,  // numeric level of logging
  content BLOB    // raw bytes from logging framework encoder / layout

The content column contains the log entry itself, as bytes. The only other columns are longs and integers. There are no indexes or autoincrement field. Logs stored in Blacklite are the same size as raw files. In addition, using SQLite file means total compatibility and support over all platforms.

The appender incorporates a queue that is bound by default to a maximum capacity of 1,048,576 entries: you can add a budget filter to impose a limit on the number of entries logged in a duration. The queue must be bounded because if the filesystem fails completely e.g. there is no space left on the device, the queue cannot be left to fill indefinitely and must error out at some point.

Archiving and Compression

In addition, there are a number of features that Blacklite has above and beyond raw append speed:

Blacklite also provides a codec for zstandard, using the zstd-jni library. which is extremely fast and can be tweaked to be competitive with LZ4 using "negative" compression levels like "-4". This codec is provided with the archiver so that older records can be automatically compressed.

In addition, the archiver also includes a dictionary compression option. If a dictionary is found, then the archiver will write the compressed content to the archive file. If no dictionary is found, the archiver will feed a dictionary using the incoming log entries, then switch over to dictionary compression once the dictionary has been trained.

Using a dictionary provides both speed and size improvements. An entry that is typically 185 bytes with JSON can shrink down to as few as 32 bytes. This adds up extremely quickly when you start working with larger log files.

This is all very abstract, so here's a real life example using 2,001,000 log entries with the logstash logback encoder writing out JSON.

For the unencoded content:

❱ ls -lh blacklite.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wsargent wsargent 431M Oct 18 14:14 blacklite.json

Compare with the encoded SQLite database using dictionary compression:

❱ ls -lh archive.db
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wsargent wsargent 177M Oct 18 14:14 archive.db

But still have the same number of records:

❱ sqlite3 archive.db  "select count(*) from entries"
❱ wc blacklite.json
  2001000   6002000 451212069 blacklite.json


Providing data in SQLite format means you can leverage tools built using SQLite. I typically connect DB Browser as the default application for *.db files in IntelliJ IDEA so double clicking will bring up GUI.

Editor / IDE Plugins

GUI Tools

Command Line Tools

Web Applications


There are scripts available for manipulating SQLite in REPL environments and processing through small programs in JSON.

See the jbang scripts and the Python scripts for more detail.

Also you can work with sqlite directly.



Add the following resolver:

repositories {

And then add the libraries and codecs that you want.

For logback:

implementation 'com.tersesystems.blacklite:blacklite-logback:<latestVersion>'
implementation 'com.tersesystems.blacklite:blacklite-codec-zstd:<latestVersion>'

or for log4j:

implementation 'com.tersesystems.blacklite:blacklite-log4j2:<latestVersion>'
implementation 'com.tersesystems.blacklite:blacklite-log4j2-codec-zstd:<latestVersion>'


For logback:



or log4j:




SBT installation is fairly straightforward.

libraryDependencies += "com.tersesystems.blacklite" % "blacklite-logback" % "<latestVersion>"
libraryDependencies += "com.tersesystems.blacklite" % "blacklite-codec-zstd" % "<latestVersion>"

Or log4j:

//libraryDependencies += "com.tersesystems.blacklite" % "blacklite-log4j" % "<latestVersion>"
//libraryDependencies += "com.tersesystems.blacklite" % "blacklite-log4j2-codec-zstd" % "<latestVersion>"



The logback appender uses JCTools internally as an asynchronous queue. This means you don't need to use an AsyncAppender or LoggingEventAsyncDisruptorAppender on top.

You should always use a shutdownHook to allow Logback to drain the queue before exiting.

The appender consists of a file property, and an encoder which encodes the bytes written to the content field in an entry.

The batchInsertSize property determines the number of entries to batch before writing to the database. This is a highwater mark that only applies when the number of inserts has gone over a certain point without idling -- this situation only usually applies when using an archiver which will take over the connection for the duration. When archiving, new entries will buffer in the queue, and then be drained and inserted in batches. Under normal circumstances, when the thread is idle, it will executeBatch/commit any outstanding inserts, meaning you will see database entries immediately.

If not defined, the default archiver is the DeletingArchiver set to 10000 rows.

 <property name="db.dir" value="${java.io.tmpdir}/blacklite-logback"/>

 <shutdownHook class="ch.qos.logback.core.hook.DelayingShutdownHook">

 <appender name="BLACKLITE" class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.logback.BlackliteAppender">

  <archiver class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.archive.DeletingArchiver">

  <encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder">

 <root level="TRACE">
  <appender-ref ref="BLACKLITE"/>


Deleting Archiver

The deleting archiver will delete the oldest entries in the database when the highwater mark is reached.

Note that the database file size may be notably larger than the number of rows after deletion, because SQLite will reuse pages after deletion. You can run VACUUM at regular intervals to recover space.

The maximum number of rows in the table is set using the archiveAfterRows property. There is no facility for unbounded growth, but you can set this number to Long.MaxValue which is 2<sup>63</sup>-1.

<archiver class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.archive.DeletingArchiver">

Rolling Archiver

The rolling archiver can be a bit complicated, but it works much the same way that rolling file appenders do.

The archiver has a archiveAfterRows property that is the maximum number of rows in the live database. When there are more rows, then archiving takes place.

The rolling archiver will keep older log entries by moving them into other sqlite databases. When the maximum number of rows is reached, the oldest rows will be moved into the archive specified by the file property. A codec compression can be applied when rows are moved into the archive to save on disk space.

The archive file will be rolled over when the triggering policy is matched. In the case of the RowBasedTriggeringPolicy, this is the maximum number of rows in the archive database -- after that, the archive database will be renamed according to the rolling strategy and another archive file will be created.

<archiver class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.archive.RollingArchiver">

    <codec class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.codec.zstd.ZStdCodec">

    <triggeringPolicy class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.archive.RowBasedTriggeringPolicy">

    <rollingStrategy class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.logback.TimeBasedRollingStrategy">


The rolling archiver can take a codec that compresses the content of the bytes produced by the encoder. This can be very effective.

<codec class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.codec.zstd.ZStdCodec">

If using dictionary compression, it's ZStdDictCodec and the dictionary must be defined in a repository.

There are two repositories for dictionaries: ZstdDictFileRepository which points directly to a zstandard dictionary on the filesystem, and SqliteRepository which keeps dictionaries in an sqlite database.

Blacklite will automatically train a dictionary from the incoming content if it does not exist. You can tweak the dictionary parameters, but the defaults work fine.

<codec class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.codec.zstd.ZStdDictCodec">
  <repository class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.codec.zstd.ZstdDictFileRepository">

You can also specify a SQLite database containing dictionaries, using the zstandard dictionary ids as a lookup. This lets you use multiple dictionaries.

<repository class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.codec.zstd.ZStdDictSqliteRepository">

Be aware that if you use a zstandard dictionary, you must have it available to read the logs. If you lose it, the logs will be unreadable!

Triggering Policy

There is one triggering policy, using the maximum number of rows in the archive.

<triggeringPolicy class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.archive.RowBasedTriggeringPolicy">
Rolling Strategies

Fixed Window Rolling Strategy will set up a number of SQLite archive databases, using %i to indicate the index.

<rollingStrategy class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.logback.FixedWindowRollingStrategy">

Time Based Rolling Strategy uses a date system, which will roll over renaming the file to the given date.

<rollingStrategy class="com.tersesystems.blacklite.logback.TimeBasedRollingStrategy">

Log4J 2

The Log4J 2 is similar to the Logback appender:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="INFO" packages="com.tersesystems.blacklite.log4j2,com.tersesystems.blacklite.log4j2.zstd">
  <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
   <PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>

  <Blacklite name="Blacklite" file="/${sys:java.io.tmpdir}/blacklite-log4j2-zstd/live.db">
   <LogstashLayout dateTimeFormatPattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZZZ"

   <RollingArchiver file="/${sys:java.io.tmpdir}/blacklite-log4j2-zstd/archive.db">
    <!--<ZStdCodec level="3"/>-->
     <!-- <FileRepository file="${sys:java.io.tmpdir}/blacklite/dictionary"/> -->
     <SqliteRepository url="jdbc:sqlite:${sys:java.io.tmpdir}/blacklite-log4j2-zstd/dict.db"/>

  <Root level="DEBUG">
   <AppenderRef ref="Blacklite"/>

It is broadly similar to the Logback system, with the same settings. .


The no-op archiver does nothing:



The deleting archiver will delete all rows greater than the archiveAfterRows property:

<DeletingArchiver archiveAfterRows="100">


The rolling archiver is as follows:

<RollingArchiver file="${sys:java.io.tmpdir}/blacklite-log4j2/archive.db" archiveAfterRows="10000">
 <!-- rolling strategy -->
 <!-- triggering policy -->
Fixed Window Rolling Strategy

The fixed window rolling strategy is as follows:


There is no time based rolling strategy for Log4J2 at this time: I don't understand how to extract the functionality and make it available.



Logging takes between 25 and 60 ns to enter the in-memory queue, depending on the queue size. The appender will happily accept bursts of logging to the queue, and will drain from queue and insert into the database in batches.

On the backend, the SQLite consumer is single threaded, and can sustain ~2 us/op of small entries using batched commits with an SQLite instance mounted on a tmpfs filesystem. For comparison, using Logback with a file appender with immediateFlush=false is between 636 and 850 ns/op but lacks the row-based truncation, querying, indexing, and backup that come with SQLite.

All of this is of course subject to your encoding, your logging framework, and your specific hardware.

Setting up tmpfs

In cases where you want to use Blacklite as a persistent ring buffer, using a tmpfs filesystem as a backing store is a great way to avoid fsync. This is a tactic used by Alluxio, for example.

The easiest thing to do is to set up /var/log as tmpfs and go from there.

Using a tmpfs filesystem does not require that you constrain your logs to the amount of memory you have, but it does mean that the logs will be removed when the server shuts down. To get around this, you can run some scripts on shutdown to transfer the log files.