

TFLint Ruleset for Terraform Language

Build Status GitHub release License: MPL 2.0

TFLint ruleset plugin for Terraform Language

This ruleset focus on possible errors and best practices about Terraform Language.



This ruleset is built into TFLint, so you usually don't need to worry about how to install it. You can check the built-in version with tflint -v:

$ tflint -v
TFLint version 0.52.0
+ ruleset.terraform (0.8.0-bundled)

If you want to use a version different from the built-in version, you can declare plugin in .tflint.hcl as follows and install it with tflint --init:

plugin "terraform" {
    enabled = true
    version = "0.9.1"
    source  = "github.com/terraform-linters/tflint-ruleset-terraform"

For more configuration about the plugin, see Plugin Configuration.


See Rules.

Building the plugin

Clone the repository locally and run the following command:

$ make

You can easily install the built plugin with the following:

$ make install

Note that if you install the plugin with make install, you must omit the version and source attributes in .tflint.hcl:

plugin "terraform" {
    enabled = true