

AWS Datadog Forwarders Terraform module

Terraform module which creates resources to forward logs and metrics to Datadog on AWS.

The following resources are supported:

Please refer to the official Datadog datadog-serverless-functions for further information on the forwarder lambda functions, configuraion via environment variables, and integration with PrivateLink endpoints.


There are several factors to keep in mind when working with and/or using this module that largely revolve around the decisions made based on security implications.

  1. Based on the functionality provided by the Datadog team at datadog-serverless-functions, the recommended approach for providing your Datadog API key is through AWS Secrets Manager. The creation of this secret is not facilitated by this module and should be created manually (or through some other means where the secret is not passed as plain text into Terraform as input).
    • Note: even though this is the recommended approach, the pattern used in the past of providing the DD_API_KEY as an environment variable is still supported by the module. Users are able to provde any and all environment variables to the forwarders through inputs (i.e. - log_forwarder_environment_variables) to configure the forwarders as desired. See settings.py for more details on what environment variables are supported to configure the forwarders.
  2. The use of a KMS key to encrypt/decrypt API and APP keys is required by the rds_enhanced_monitoring_forwarder and vpc_flow_log_forwarder modules/functions per the uptream source at datadog-serverless-functions. The creation of a KMS key has been left out of this module so that users are able to better manage their KMS CMK key (and therefore the policies and usage of said key) as they see fit without over-complicating this module.
  3. The roles and their permissions created by this module have several built in conditional checks in order to provide permission sets that allow the desired functionality while following the recommended approach of least privelege access. Nearly all attributes for the IAM roles and their permissions are accessible via inputs - even allowing users to provide their own IAM roles and/or policies to meet their organizational requirements.

Vendored Artifacts

Due to Terraform not dealing with dynamically created files, especially in ephemeral environments like CI/CD pipelines, the decision was made to vendor the Lambda function artifacts within the VPC Flow Log and RDS Enhanced Monitoring modules to avoid issues. When the upstream artifacts are hosted as zipped archives available on GitHub, similar to the Log Forwarder, then this vendoring hack will be removed in favor of pulling directly from the project. Ref Issue #374


See examples directory for working examples to reference:

# Note: you will need to create this secret manually prior to running
# This avoids having to pass the key to Terraform in plaintext
data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "datadog_api_key" {
  name = "datadog/api_key"

module "datadog_forwarders" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/datadog-forwarders/aws"

  kms_alias             = "alias/datadog" # KMS key will need to be created outside of module
  dd_api_key_secret_arn = data.aws_secretsmanager_secret.datadog_api_key.arn

  tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = "dev"


Examples codified under the examples are intended to give users references for how to use the module(s) as well as testing/validating changes to the source code of the module(s). If contributing to the project, please be sure to make any appropriate updates to the relevant examples to allow maintainers to test your changes and to keep the examples up to date for users. Thank you!



<a name="requirement_terraform"></a> terraform>= 1.3
<a name="requirement_aws"></a> aws>= 5.0


<a name="provider_aws"></a> aws>= 5.0


<a name="module_log_forwarder"></a> log_forwarder./modules/log_forwardern/a
<a name="module_rds_enhanced_monitoring_forwarder"></a> rds_enhanced_monitoring_forwarder./modules/rds_enhanced_monitoring_forwardern/a
<a name="module_vpc_flow_log_forwarder"></a> vpc_flow_log_forwarder./modules/vpc_flow_log_forwardern/a




<a name="input_agent_vpce_policy"></a> agent_vpce_policyPolicy to attach to the agent endpoint that controls access to the service. Defaults to full accessanynullno
<a name="input_agent_vpce_security_group_ids"></a> agent_vpce_security_group_idsIDs of security groups to attach to agent endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_agent_vpce_subnet_ids"></a> agent_vpce_subnet_idsIDs of subnets to associate with agent endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_agent_vpce_tags"></a> agent_vpce_tagsA map of tags to apply to the Datadog agent endpointmap(string){}no
<a name="input_api_vpce_policy"></a> api_vpce_policyPolicy to attach to the API endpoint that controls access to the service. Defaults to full accessanynullno
<a name="input_api_vpce_security_group_ids"></a> api_vpce_security_group_idsIDs of security groups to attach to API endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_api_vpce_subnet_ids"></a> api_vpce_subnet_idsIDs of subnets to associate with API endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_api_vpce_tags"></a> api_vpce_tagsA map of tags to apply to the API endpointmap(string){}no
<a name="input_bucket_attach_deny_insecure_transport_policy"></a> bucket_attach_deny_insecure_transport_policyControls if S3 bucket should have deny non-SSL transport policy attachedsbooltrueno
<a name="input_bucket_encryption_settings"></a> bucket_encryption_settingsS3 bucket server side encryption settingsmap(string)<pre>{<br> "sse_algorithm": "AES256"<br>}</pre>no
<a name="input_bucket_name"></a> bucket_nameLambda artifact S3 bucket namestring""no
<a name="input_create_agent_vpce"></a> create_agent_vpceControls whether an agent endpoint should be createdboolfalseno
<a name="input_create_api_vpce"></a> create_api_vpceControls whether a API endpoint should be createdboolfalseno
<a name="input_create_bucket"></a> create_bucketControls whether an S3 artifact bucket should be created. this is used for the zip archive as well as caching tagsbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_log_forwarder"></a> create_log_forwarderControls whether log forwarder resources should be createdbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_log_forwarder_role"></a> create_log_forwarder_roleControls whether an IAM role is created for the log forwarderbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_log_forwarder_role_policy"></a> create_log_forwarder_role_policyControls whether an IAM role policy is created for the log forwarderbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_log_forwarder_vpce"></a> create_log_forwarder_vpceControls whether a log forwarder endpoint should be createdboolfalseno
<a name="input_create_metrics_vpce"></a> create_metrics_vpceControls whether a metrics VPC endpoint should be createdboolfalseno
<a name="input_create_processes_vpce"></a> create_processes_vpceControls whether a processes endpoint should be createdboolfalseno
<a name="input_create_rds_em_forwarder"></a> create_rds_em_forwarderControls whether RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder resources should be createdbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_rds_em_forwarder_role"></a> create_rds_em_forwarder_roleControls whether an IAM role is created for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarderbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_rds_em_forwarder_role_policy"></a> create_rds_em_forwarder_role_policyControls whether an IAM role policy is created for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarderbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_traces_vpce"></a> create_traces_vpceControls whether a traces endpoint should be createdboolfalseno
<a name="input_create_vpc_fl_forwarder"></a> create_vpc_fl_forwarderControls whether VPC flow log forwarder resources should be createdbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_vpc_fl_forwarder_role"></a> create_vpc_fl_forwarder_roleControls whether an IAM role is created for the VPC flow log forwarderbooltrueno
<a name="input_create_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policy"></a> create_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policyControls whether an IAM role policy is created for the VPC flow log forwarderbooltrueno
<a name="input_dd_api_key"></a> dd_api_keyThe Datadog API key, which can be found from the APIs page (/account/settings#api). It will be stored in AWS Secrets Manager securely. If DdApiKeySecretArn is also set, this value will not be used. This value must still be set, howeverstring""no
<a name="input_dd_api_key_secret_arn"></a> dd_api_key_secret_arnThe ARN of the Secrets Manager secret storing the Datadog API key, if you already have it stored in Secrets Manager. You still need to set a dummy value for dd_api_key to satisfy the requirement, though that value won't be usedstring""no
<a name="input_dd_app_key"></a> dd_app_keyThe Datadog application key associated with the user account that created it, which can be found from the APIs pagestring""no
<a name="input_dd_site"></a> dd_siteDefine your Datadog Site to send data to. For the Datadog EU site, set to datadoghq.eustring"datadoghq.com"no
<a name="input_kms_alias"></a> kms_aliasAlias of KMS key used to encrypt the Datadog API keys - must start with alias/stringn/ayes
<a name="input_log_forwarder_architectures"></a> log_forwarder_architecturesInstruction set architecture for your Lambda function. Valid values are ["x86_64"] and ["arm64"]. Default is ["x86_64"]list(string)<pre>[<br> "x86_64"<br>]</pre>no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_bucket_prefix"></a> log_forwarder_bucket_prefixS3 object key prefix to prepend to zip archive namestring""no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_bucket_tags"></a> log_forwarder_bucket_tagsA map of tags to apply to the log forwarder bucketmap(any){}no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_environment_variables"></a> log_forwarder_environment_variablesA map of environment variables for the log forwarder lambda functionmap(string){}no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_kms_key_arn"></a> log_forwarder_kms_key_arnKMS key that is used to encrypt environment variables. If this configuration is not provided when environment variables are in use, AWS Lambda uses a default service keystringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_lambda_tags"></a> log_forwarder_lambda_tagsA map of tags to apply to the log forwarder lambda functionmap(string){}no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_layers"></a> log_forwarder_layersList of Lambda Layer Version ARNs (maximum of 5) to attach to the log forwarder lambdalist(string)[]no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_log_kms_key_id"></a> log_forwarder_log_kms_key_idThe AWS KMS Key ARN to use for CloudWatch log group encryptionstringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_log_retention_days"></a> log_forwarder_log_retention_daysLog forwarder CloudWatch log group retention in daysnumber7no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_memory_size"></a> log_forwarder_memory_sizeMemory size for the log forwarder lambda functionnumber1024no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_name"></a> log_forwarder_nameLog forwarder lambda namestring"datadog-log-forwarder"no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_policy_arn"></a> log_forwarder_policy_arnIAM policy arn for log forwarder lambda function to utilizestringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_policy_name"></a> log_forwarder_policy_nameLog forwarder policy namestring""no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_policy_path"></a> log_forwarder_policy_pathLog forwarder policy pathstringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_publish"></a> log_forwarder_publishWhether to publish creation/change as a new Lambda Function Versionboolfalseno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_reserved_concurrent_executions"></a> log_forwarder_reserved_concurrent_executionsThe amount of reserved concurrent executions for the log forwarder lambda functionnumber100no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_role_arn"></a> log_forwarder_role_arnIAM role arn for log forwarder lambda function to utilizestringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_role_max_session_duration"></a> log_forwarder_role_max_session_durationThe maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role. If you do not specify a value for this setting, the default maximum of one hour is applied. This setting can have a value from 1 hour to 12 hoursnumbernullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_role_name"></a> log_forwarder_role_nameLog forwarder role namestring""no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_role_path"></a> log_forwarder_role_pathLog forwarder role pathstringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_role_permissions_boundary"></a> log_forwarder_role_permissions_boundaryThe ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the log forwarder rolestringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_role_tags"></a> log_forwarder_role_tagsA map of tags to apply to the log forwarder rolemap(string){}no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_runtime"></a> log_forwarder_runtimeLambda function runtimestring"python3.11"no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_s3_log_bucket_arns"></a> log_forwarder_s3_log_bucket_arnsS3 log buckets for forwarder to read and forward logs to Datadoglist(string)[]no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_s3_zip_kms_key_id"></a> log_forwarder_s3_zip_kms_key_idThe AWS KMS Key ARN to use for object encryptionstringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_s3_zip_metadata"></a> log_forwarder_s3_zip_metadataA map of keys/values to provision metadata (will be automatically prefixed by x-amz-meta-map(string){}no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_s3_zip_server_side_encryption"></a> log_forwarder_s3_zip_server_side_encryptionServer-side encryption of the zip object in S3. Valid values are AES256 and aws:kmsstringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_s3_zip_storage_class"></a> log_forwarder_s3_zip_storage_classSpecifies the desired Storage Class for the zip object. Can be either STANDARD, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY, ONEZONE_IA, INTELLIGENT_TIERING, or STANDARD_IAstringnullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_s3_zip_tags"></a> log_forwarder_s3_zip_tagsA map of tags to apply to the zip archive in S3map(string){}no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_s3_zip_tags_only"></a> log_forwarder_s3_zip_tags_onlySet to true to not merge var.tags with log_forwarder_s3_zip_tags. Useful to avoid breaching S3 Object 10 tag limitboolfalseno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_security_group_ids"></a> log_forwarder_security_group_idsList of security group ids when forwarder lambda function should run in the VPClist(string)nullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_subnet_ids"></a> log_forwarder_subnet_idsList of subnet ids when forwarder lambda function should run in the VPC. Usually private or intra subnetslist(string)nullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_tags"></a> log_forwarder_tagsA map of tags to apply to the log forwarder resourcesmap(string){}no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_timeout"></a> log_forwarder_timeoutThe amount of time the log forwarder lambda has to execute in secondsnumber120no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_use_policy_name_prefix"></a> log_forwarder_use_policy_name_prefixWhether to use unique name beginning with the specified policy_name for the log forwarder policyboolfalseno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_use_role_name_prefix"></a> log_forwarder_use_role_name_prefixWhether to use unique name beginning with the specified role_name for the log forwarder roleboolfalseno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_version"></a> log_forwarder_versionForwarder version - see https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-serverless-functions/releasesstring"3.103.0"no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_vpce_policy"></a> log_forwarder_vpce_policyPolicy to attach to the log forwarder endpoint that controls access to the service. Defaults to full accessanynullno
<a name="input_log_forwarder_vpce_security_group_ids"></a> log_forwarder_vpce_security_group_idsIDs of security groups to attach to log forwarder endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_vpce_subnet_ids"></a> log_forwarder_vpce_subnet_idsIDs of subnets to associate with log forwarder endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_log_forwarder_vpce_tags"></a> log_forwarder_vpce_tagsA map of tags to apply to the log forwarder endpointmap(string){}no
<a name="input_metrics_vpce_policy"></a> metrics_vpce_policyPolicy to attach to the metrics endpoint that controls access to the service. Defaults to full accessanynullno
<a name="input_metrics_vpce_security_group_ids"></a> metrics_vpce_security_group_idsIDs of security groups to attach to metrics endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_metrics_vpce_subnet_ids"></a> metrics_vpce_subnet_idsIDs of subnets to associate with metrics endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_metrics_vpce_tags"></a> metrics_vpce_tagsA map of tags to apply to the metrics endpointmap(string){}no
<a name="input_processes_vpce_policy"></a> processes_vpce_policyPolicy to attach to the processes endpoint that controls access to the service. Defaults to full accessanynullno
<a name="input_processes_vpce_security_group_ids"></a> processes_vpce_security_group_idsIDs of security groups to attach to processes endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_processes_vpce_subnet_ids"></a> processes_vpce_subnet_idsIDs of subnets to associate with processes endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_processes_vpce_tags"></a> processes_vpce_tagsA map of tags to apply to the processes endpointmap(string){}no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_architectures"></a> rds_em_forwarder_architecturesInstruction set architecture for your Lambda function. Valid values are ["x86_64"] and ["arm64"]. Default is ["x86_64"]list(string)<pre>[<br> "x86_64"<br>]</pre>no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_environment_variables"></a> rds_em_forwarder_environment_variablesA map of environment variables for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda functionmap(string){}no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_kms_key_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_kms_key_arnKMS key that is used to encrypt environment variables. If this configuration is not provided when environment variables are in use, AWS Lambda uses a default service keystringnullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_lambda_tags"></a> rds_em_forwarder_lambda_tagsA map of tags to apply to the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda functionmap(string){}no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_layers"></a> rds_em_forwarder_layersList of Lambda Layer Version ARNs (maximum of 5) to attach to the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambdalist(string)[]no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_log_kms_key_id"></a> rds_em_forwarder_log_kms_key_idThe AWS KMS Key ARN to use for CloudWatch log group encryptionstringnullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_log_retention_days"></a> rds_em_forwarder_log_retention_daysRDS enhanced monitoring forwarder CloudWatch log group retention in daysnumber7no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_memory_size"></a> rds_em_forwarder_memory_sizeMemory size for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda functionnumber256no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_name"></a> rds_em_forwarder_nameRDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda namestring"datadog-rds-enhanced-monitoring-forwarder"no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_policy_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_policy_arnIAM policy arn for RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda function to utilizestringnullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_policy_name"></a> rds_em_forwarder_policy_nameRDS enhanced monitoring forwarder policy namestring""no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_policy_path"></a> rds_em_forwarder_policy_pathRDS enhanced monitoring forwarder policy pathstringnullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_publish"></a> rds_em_forwarder_publishWhether to publish creation/change as a new fambda function Versionboolfalseno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_reserved_concurrent_executions"></a> rds_em_forwarder_reserved_concurrent_executionsThe amount of reserved concurrent executions for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda functionnumber10no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_role_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_arnIAM role arn for RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda function to utilizestringnullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_role_max_session_duration"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_max_session_durationThe maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role. If you do not specify a value for this setting, the default maximum of one hour is applied. This setting can have a value from 1 hour to 12 hoursnumbernullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_role_name"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_nameRDS enhanced monitoring forwarder role namestring""no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_role_path"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_pathRDS enhanced monitoring forwarder role pathstringnullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_role_permissions_boundary"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_permissions_boundaryThe ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder rolestringnullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_role_tags"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_tagsA map of tags to apply to the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder rolemap(string){}no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_runtime"></a> rds_em_forwarder_runtimeLambda function runtimestring"python3.8"no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_security_group_ids"></a> rds_em_forwarder_security_group_idsList of security group ids when forwarder lambda function should run in the VPClist(string)nullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_subnet_ids"></a> rds_em_forwarder_subnet_idsList of subnet ids when forwarder lambda function should run in the VPC. Usually private or intra subnetslist(string)nullno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_tags"></a> rds_em_forwarder_tagsA map of tags to apply to the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder resourcesmap(string){}no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_timeout"></a> rds_em_forwarder_timeoutThe amount of time the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda has to execute in secondsnumber10no
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_use_policy_name_prefix"></a> rds_em_forwarder_use_policy_name_prefixWhether to use unique name beginning with the specified rds_em_forwarder_policy_name for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder roleboolfalseno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_use_role_name_prefix"></a> rds_em_forwarder_use_role_name_prefixWhether to use unique name beginning with the specified rds_em_forwarder_role_name for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder roleboolfalseno
<a name="input_rds_em_forwarder_version"></a> rds_em_forwarder_versionRDS enhanced monitoring lambda version - see https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-serverless-functions/releasesstring"3.103.0"no
<a name="input_tags"></a> tagsA map of tags to use on all resourcesmap(string){}no
<a name="input_traces_vpce_policy"></a> traces_vpce_policyPolicy to attach to the traces endpoint that controls access to the service. Defaults to full accessanynullno
<a name="input_traces_vpce_security_group_ids"></a> traces_vpce_security_group_idsIDs of security groups to attach to traces endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_traces_vpce_subnet_ids"></a> traces_vpce_subnet_idsIDs of subnets to associate with traces endpointlist(string)[]no
<a name="input_traces_vpce_tags"></a> traces_vpce_tagsA map of tags to apply to the traces endpointmap(string){}no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_architectures"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_architecturesInstruction set architecture for your Lambda function. Valid values are ["x86_64"] and ["arm64"]. Default is ["x86_64"]list(string)<pre>[<br> "x86_64"<br>]</pre>no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_environment_variables"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_environment_variablesA map of environment variables for the VPC flow log forwarder lambda functionmap(string){}no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_kms_key_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_kms_key_arnKMS key that is used to encrypt environment variables. If this configuration is not provided when environment variables are in use, AWS Lambda uses a default service keystringnullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_tags"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_tagsA map of tags to apply to the VPC flow log forwarder lambda functionmap(string){}no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_layers"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_layersList of Lambda Layer Version ARNs (maximum of 5) to attach to the VPC flow log forwarder lambdalist(string)[]no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_log_kms_key_id"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_log_kms_key_idThe AWS KMS Key ARN to use for CloudWatch log group encryptionstringnullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_log_retention_days"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_log_retention_daysVPC flow log forwarder CloudWatch log group retention in daysnumber7no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_memory_size"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_memory_sizeMemory size for the VPC flow log forwarder lambda functionnumber256no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_name"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_nameVPC flow log forwarder lambda namestring"datadog-vpc-flow-log-forwarder"no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_policy_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_policy_arnIAM policy arn for VPC flow log forwarder lambda function to utilizestringnullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_policy_name"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_policy_nameVPC flow log forwarder policy namestring""no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_policy_path"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_policy_pathVPC flow log forwarder policy pathstringnullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_publish"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_publishWhether to publish creation/change as a new fambda function Versionboolfalseno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_read_cloudwatch_logs"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_read_cloudwatch_logsWhether the VPC flow log forwarder will read CloudWatch log groups for VPC flow logsboolfalseno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_reserved_concurrent_executions"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_reserved_concurrent_executionsThe amount of reserved concurrent executions for the VPC flow log forwarder lambda functionnumber10no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_arnIAM role arn for VPC flow log forwarder lambda function to utilizestringnullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_max_session_duration"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_max_session_durationThe maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role. If you do not specify a value for this setting, the default maximum of one hour is applied. This setting can have a value from 1 hour to 12 hoursnumbernullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_name"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_nameVPC flow log forwarder role namestring""no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_path"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_pathVPC flow log forwarder role pathstringnullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_permissions_boundary"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_permissions_boundaryThe ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the VPC flow log forwarder rolestringnullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_tags"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_tagsA map of tags to apply to the VPC flow log forwarder rolemap(string){}no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_runtime"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_runtimeLambda function runtimestring"python3.8"no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_s3_log_bucket_arns"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_s3_log_bucket_arnsS3 log buckets for VPC flow log forwarder to read and forward to Datadoglist(string)[]no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_security_group_ids"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_security_group_idsList of security group ids when forwarder lambda function should run in the VPClist(string)nullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_subnet_ids"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_subnet_idsList of subnet ids when forwarder lambda function should run in the VPC. Usually private or intra subnetslist(string)nullno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_tags"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_tagsA map of tags to apply to the VPC flow log forwarder resourcesmap(string){}no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_timeout"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_timeoutThe amount of time the VPC flow log forwarder lambda has to execute in secondsnumber10no
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_use_policy_name_prefix"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_use_policy_name_prefixWhether to use unique name beginning with the specified vpc_fl_forwarder_policy_name for the VPC flow log forwarder roleboolfalseno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_use_role_name_prefix"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_use_role_name_prefixWhether to use unique name beginning with the specified vpc_fl_forwarder_role_name for the VPC flow log forwarder roleboolfalseno
<a name="input_vpc_fl_forwarder_version"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_versionVPC flow log lambda version - see https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-serverless-functions/releasesstring"3.103.0"no
<a name="input_vpc_id"></a> vpc_idID of VPC to provision endpoints withinstringnullno


<a name="output_agent_endpoint_arn"></a> agent_endpoint_arnARN of the agent VPC endpoint
<a name="output_agent_endpoint_dns_entry"></a> agent_endpoint_dns_entryDNS entries of the agent VPC endpoint
<a name="output_agent_endpoint_id"></a> agent_endpoint_idID of the agent VPC endpoint
<a name="output_agent_endpoint_network_interface_ids"></a> agent_endpoint_network_interface_idsOne or more network interfaces for the agent VPC endpoint
<a name="output_agent_endpoint_owner_id"></a> agent_endpoint_owner_idThe ID of the AWS account that owns the agent VPC endpoint
<a name="output_agent_endpoint_state"></a> agent_endpoint_stateThe state of the agent VPC endpoint
<a name="output_api_endpoint_arn"></a> api_endpoint_arnARN of the API VPC endpoint
<a name="output_api_endpoint_dns_entry"></a> api_endpoint_dns_entryDNS entries of the API VPC endpoint
<a name="output_api_endpoint_id"></a> api_endpoint_idID of the API VPC endpoint
<a name="output_api_endpoint_network_interface_ids"></a> api_endpoint_network_interface_idsOne or more network interfaces for API api VPC endpoint
<a name="output_api_endpoint_owner_id"></a> api_endpoint_owner_idThe ID of the AWS account that owns the API VPC endpoint
<a name="output_api_endpoint_state"></a> api_endpoint_stateThe state of the API VPC endpoint
<a name="output_log_forwarder_cloudwatch_log_group_arn"></a> log_forwarder_cloudwatch_log_group_arnThe ARN of the log forwarder lambda function CloudWatch log group
<a name="output_log_forwarder_endpoint_arn"></a> log_forwarder_endpoint_arnARN of the log forwarder VPC endpoint
<a name="output_log_forwarder_endpoint_dns_entry"></a> log_forwarder_endpoint_dns_entryDNS entries of the log forwarder VPC endpoint
<a name="output_log_forwarder_endpoint_id"></a> log_forwarder_endpoint_idID of the log forwarder VPC endpoint
<a name="output_log_forwarder_endpoint_network_interface_ids"></a> log_forwarder_endpoint_network_interface_idsOne or more network interfaces for the log forwarder VPC endpoint
<a name="output_log_forwarder_endpoint_owner_id"></a> log_forwarder_endpoint_owner_idThe ID of the AWS account that owns the log forwarder VPC endpoint
<a name="output_log_forwarder_endpoint_state"></a> log_forwarder_endpoint_stateThe state of the log forwarder VPC endpoint
<a name="output_log_forwarder_lambda_arn"></a> log_forwarder_lambda_arnThe ARN of the log forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_log_forwarder_lambda_kms_key_arn"></a> log_forwarder_lambda_kms_key_arn(Optional) The ARN for the KMS encryption key for the log forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_log_forwarder_lambda_qualified_arn"></a> log_forwarder_lambda_qualified_arnThe ARN of the log forwarder lambda function (if versioning is enabled via publish = true)
<a name="output_log_forwarder_lambda_source_code_hash"></a> log_forwarder_lambda_source_code_hashBase64-encoded representation of raw SHA-256 sum of the log forwarder zip file, provided either via filename or s3_* parameters
<a name="output_log_forwarder_lambda_version"></a> log_forwarder_lambda_versionLatest published version of the log forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_log_forwarder_role_arn"></a> log_forwarder_role_arnThe log forwarder lambda role arn
<a name="output_log_forwarder_role_id"></a> log_forwarder_role_idThe log forwarder lambda role id
<a name="output_log_forwarder_role_name"></a> log_forwarder_role_nameThe log forwarder lambda role name
<a name="output_log_forwarder_role_policy_arn"></a> log_forwarder_role_policy_arnThe ARN of the log forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_log_forwarder_role_policy_id"></a> log_forwarder_role_policy_idThe ID of the log forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_log_forwarder_role_policy_name"></a> log_forwarder_role_policy_nameThe name of the log forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_log_forwarder_role_unique_id"></a> log_forwarder_role_unique_idThe stable and unique string identifying the log forwarder lambda role
<a name="output_log_forwarder_s3_bucket_arn"></a> log_forwarder_s3_bucket_arnThe ARN of the log forwarder bucket. Will be of format arn:aws:s3:::bucketname
<a name="output_log_forwarder_s3_bucket_domain_name"></a> log_forwarder_s3_bucket_domain_nameThe log forwarder bucket domain name. Will be of format bucketname.s3.amazonaws.com
<a name="output_log_forwarder_s3_bucket_id"></a> log_forwarder_s3_bucket_idThe name of the log forwarder bucket
<a name="output_log_forwarder_s3_bucket_regional_domain_name"></a> log_forwarder_s3_bucket_regional_domain_nameThe log forwarder bucket region-specific domain name. The bucket domain name including the region name
<a name="output_log_forwarder_s3_object_etag"></a> log_forwarder_s3_object_etagThe ETag generated for the log forwarder lambda zip object (an MD5 sum of the object content)
<a name="output_log_forwarder_s3_object_id"></a> log_forwarder_s3_object_idThe key of the log forwarder lambda zip archive
<a name="output_log_forwarder_s3_object_version"></a> log_forwarder_s3_object_versionA unique version ID value for the log forwarder lambda zip object, if bucket versioning is enabled
<a name="output_metrics_endpoint_arn"></a> metrics_endpoint_arnARN of the metrics VPC endpoint
<a name="output_metrics_endpoint_dns_entry"></a> metrics_endpoint_dns_entryDNS entries of the metrics VPC endpoint
<a name="output_metrics_endpoint_id"></a> metrics_endpoint_idID of the metrics VPC endpoint
<a name="output_metrics_endpoint_network_interface_ids"></a> metrics_endpoint_network_interface_idsOne or more network interfaces for the metrics VPC endpoint
<a name="output_metrics_endpoint_owner_id"></a> metrics_endpoint_owner_idThe ID of the AWS account that owns the metrics VPC endpoint
<a name="output_metrics_endpoint_state"></a> metrics_endpoint_stateThe state of the metrics VPC endpoint
<a name="output_processes_endpoint_arn"></a> processes_endpoint_arnARN of the processes VPC endpoint
<a name="output_processes_endpoint_dns_entry"></a> processes_endpoint_dns_entryDNS entries of the processes VPC endpoint
<a name="output_processes_endpoint_id"></a> processes_endpoint_idID of the processes VPC endpoint
<a name="output_processes_endpoint_network_interface_ids"></a> processes_endpoint_network_interface_idsOne or more network interfaces for the processes VPC endpoint
<a name="output_processes_endpoint_owner_id"></a> processes_endpoint_owner_idThe ID of the AWS account that owns the processes VPC endpoint
<a name="output_processes_endpoint_state"></a> processes_endpoint_stateThe state of the processes VPC endpoint
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_cloudwatch_log_group_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_cloudwatch_log_group_arnThe ARN of the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda function CloudWatch log group
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_lambda_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_lambda_arnThe ARN of the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_lambda_kms_key_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_lambda_kms_key_arn(Optional) The ARN for the KMS encryption key for the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_lambda_qualified_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_lambda_qualified_arnThe ARN of the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda function (if versioning is enabled via publish = true)
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_lambda_source_code_hash"></a> rds_em_forwarder_lambda_source_code_hashBase64-encoded representation of raw SHA-256 sum of the RDS enhanced monitoring lambda forwarder zip file, provided either via filename or s3_* parameters
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_lambda_version"></a> rds_em_forwarder_lambda_versionLatest published version of the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_role_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_arnThe RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda role arn
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_role_id"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_idThe RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda role id
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_role_name"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_nameThe RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda role name
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_role_policy_arn"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_policy_arnThe ARN of the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_role_policy_id"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_policy_idThe ID of the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_role_policy_name"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_policy_nameThe name of the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_rds_em_forwarder_role_unique_id"></a> rds_em_forwarder_role_unique_idThe stable and unique string identifying the RDS enhanced monitoring forwarder lambda role.
<a name="output_traces_endpoint_arn"></a> traces_endpoint_arnARN of the traces VPC endpoint
<a name="output_traces_endpoint_dns_entry"></a> traces_endpoint_dns_entryDNS entries of the traces VPC endpoint
<a name="output_traces_endpoint_id"></a> traces_endpoint_idID of the traces VPC endpoint
<a name="output_traces_endpoint_network_interface_ids"></a> traces_endpoint_network_interface_idsOne or more network interfaces for the traces VPC endpoint
<a name="output_traces_endpoint_owner_id"></a> traces_endpoint_owner_idThe ID of the AWS account that owns the traces VPC endpoint
<a name="output_traces_endpoint_state"></a> traces_endpoint_stateThe state of the traces VPC endpoint
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_cloudwatch_log_group_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_cloudwatch_log_group_arnThe ARN of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda function CloudWatch log group
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_arnThe ARN of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_kms_key_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_kms_key_arn(Optional) The ARN for the KMS encryption key for the VPC flow log forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_qualified_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_qualified_arnThe ARN of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda function (if versioning is enabled via publish = true)
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_source_code_hash"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_source_code_hashBase64-encoded representation of raw SHA-256 sum of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda zip file, provided either via filename or s3_* parameters
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_version"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_lambda_versionLatest published version of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda function
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_arnThe VPC flow log forwarder lambda role arn
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_id"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_idThe VPC flow log forwarder lambda role id
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_name"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_nameThe VPC flow log forwarder lambda role name
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policy_arn"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policy_arnThe ARN of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policy_id"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policy_idThe ID of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policy_name"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_policy_nameThe name of the VPC flow log forwarder lambda role policy
<a name="output_vpc_fl_forwarder_role_unique_id"></a> vpc_fl_forwarder_role_unique_idThe stable and unique string identifying the VPC flow log forwarder lambda role.


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