

Command-not-found for termux

This repo contains sources for the command-not-found utility used in termux. Apart from the sources for the binary (command-not-found.cpp), it also contains a script to generate lists of commands for the various official repositories:

Building command-not-found

To build the package, cmake and a c++ compiler (for example g++ or clang++) needs to be installed. Apart from cmake and a C++ compiler, nodejs is also needed in order to generate list of commands. To do an out of source build, run these commands from the command-not-found directory:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

This will generate command lists by running ./generate-db.js, and create a command-not-found binary which can be tested directly. To then install the program, run:

make install

This installs command-not-found to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/termux, which is where command-not-found resides in termux.

Updating the command lists

In order to update the command lists, just a rebuild of command-not-found is to be done by bumping the TERMUX_PKG_REVISION in build recipe of command-not-found.