

IRCCloud Terminal Client

Do you miss the R(etro) in IRC? Still have dreams about BitchX? Who doesn't! For all of this to work you need an IRCCloud account. If you're not familiar with IRCCloud, then I think you should check it out!

Live demo!



A configuration file is automatically generated if you don't already have one, typically the first time you start the client. The file is created in ~/.config/irccloud. Add the username and password you use for IRCCloud. You can also add trigger words (like your own nick) to get special notifications on channels where those trigger words are mentioned. There's also a last_chan field which will be the first channel you see when you start your client, this is set to the channel you were viewing the last time you closed the client. This way you always get back to where you last left off!

You can also set the only_messages flag to true if you don't want to see join/leave etc. messages in your chat buffers.

username: your_username_here/email
password: secret_password_here
last_chan: '#gonuts'
  - cakes
  - my_own_nick
  - cat.gif
only_messages: false


go get -u github.com/termoose/irccloud

Make sure $GOPATH/bin is added to the $PATH variable. Then run:


On the first run a config file will be generated for you in ~/.config/irccloud, update it with your IRCCloud username and password.

If you want to specify a custom config file you can do so with -c:

irccloud -c /my/custom/config.yaml


brew install termoose/tap/irccloud-cli

Flatpak (Linux)

Probably soon