

terminus-store prolog bindings

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Prolog bindings for the terminus-store Rust library.

Archival notice

This project has been archived. Its primary user, TerminusDB, has directly integrated the code of this repository, and all development is now happening there.



This library is downloadable through SWI-Prolog's package management system. In a swipl instance, run


Then you can use the library with


Compiling and running without installing (for testing purposes)

If you need to compile manually, for example to test a change without reinstalling the pack, follow these instructions.

Also, use the provided ./script/swipl script to start a test instance. This will ensure the foreign library will be located properly.


Running the tests



Creating a named graph and adding a triple

Create a new directory (testdir in this example), then do the following:

open_directory_store("testdir", Store),
open_write(Store, Builder),
create_named_graph(Store, "sometestdb", DB),
nb_add_triple(Builder, "Subject", "Predicate", value("Object")),
nb_commit(Builder, Layer),
nb_set_head(DB, Layer).

Add a triple to an existing named graph

open_directory_store("testdir", Store),
open_named_graph(Store, "sometestdb", DB),
open_write(DB, Builder),
nb_add_triple(Builder, "Subject2", "Predicate2", value("Object2")),
nb_commit(Builder, Layer),
nb_set_head(DB, Layer),

Query triples

open_directory_store("testdir", Store),
open_named_graph(Store, "sometestdb", DB),
head(DB, Layer),
triple(Layer, Subject, Predicate, Object).

Convert strings to ids and query by id

open_directory_store("testdir", Store),
open_named_graph(Store, "sometestdb", DB),
head(DB, Layer),
subject_id(Layer, "Subject", S_Id),
id_triple(Layer, S_Id, P_Id, O_Id),
predicate_id(Layer, Predicate, P_Id),
object_id(Layer, Object, O_Id).