Write bug-free code that runs at native performance with ease by using Terbium, a high-level programming language that doesn't compromise in performance, readability, reliability and developer experience. This is the rewrite branch of Terbium. See legacy Terbium here.
A semi-formal language specification can be found here. The specification may be outdated with this specific implementation.
Terbium is still a work in progress. If you want to:
- contribute to Terbium, you can clone this repository. See for more information.
- use Terbium, see the quickstart guide for more information.
Why Terbium?
Terbium is designed to be:
- Concise. Write less code wherever possible. High-level constructs and language features make Terbium elegant to write.
- Readable. Being explicit and unambiguous in the code where needed while still being concise.
- Simple. Complexity is abstracted away from the developer when writing a Terbium program, but low-level features are still accessable whenever needed.
- Performant. With LLVM, Terbium can compile to optimized native machine code, so your high-level code won't compromise runtime performance. All abstractions in Terbium incur zero runtime overhead.
- Robust. Write error-free code with Terbium. Null is a concept that does not exist in Terbium, and all errors must explicitly be handled. Mutability is explicit and memory is automatically freed.
- Rapid. Rapid-prototyping and developer experience is just as important as runtime performance. A debug mode compiles semi-optimized code that compiles fast and suppresses pedantic errors as warnings.
- Typed. A comprehensive type system allows Terbium to infer the types of most values and functions at compile-time. If a type cannot be inferred, it must be explicitly specified.
Hello, world!
// Main function is recommended but not required
func main() {
println("Hello, world!");
func fib(n: uint) = if n <= 1 then n else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
func main() {
Optional values
// Optional values are of type T? and can be either some(value) or none
// Any `value` of type T can coerce into T? by some(value).
func maybe_five() -> int? = none;
func main() {
println(maybe_five() else 10); // 10
Error handling
import{Error, stdout};
// T throws E is a type itself:
type Result<T> = T throws Error;
// throws E expands to void throws E, void being the unit type
type VoidResult = throws Error;
// Specify the return type as `throws Error` to indicate that the return value might fail
func fallible() -> throws Error {
let mut out = stdout();
out.write("This might fail")!; // use ! to propagate the error to the function
// implied return value of `void` is coerced to `ok(void)`
// in fact, any `value` of type T can be coerced to `T throws _` as `ok(value)`
// this explicit type cast will result in `ok(5)`:
// let x = 5 to /* `to` is the cast operator */ int throws Error;
func main() {
// Use `catch` to handle a fallible value
fallible() catch err {
eprintln($"Failed to print: {err}"); // string interpolation
// If there is absolutely no way to handle an error,
// you can halt the program's execution with `panic`:
// Note: `else` is equivalent to `catch _`
fallible() else panic("Oh no!");
// You can also use `.unwrap()` to panic with no message:
Functional programming
/// Calculate double the sum of all multiples of 3 which are <= n
func example(n: uint) =
.filter(\x do x % 3 == 0) // Lambda expressions
.map { _ * 2 } // Shorthand for .map(\x do x * 2)
.reduce { $0 + $1 } // Shorthand for .map(\x, y do x + y)
|> println; // Pipeline operator
// A `struct` defines a type that is composed of many values called "fields",
// which are all stored in a contiguous block of memory.
// Each field is given a name and a type.
struct Rectangle {
width: int,
height: int,
// Explicit nominal subtyping with traits.
// A `trait` defines a set of functions that a type must implement.
// It is similar to an interface in object-oriented languages.
trait Shape {
// A shape must have an `area` method that returns an `int`.
func area(self) -> int;
// A `extend` block can extend a type's functionality with a trait.
// The type must implement all functions defined in the trait.
extend Shape for Rectangle {
/// Calculate the area of the rectangle.
func area(self) = self.width * self.height;
func main() {
// Create a new rectangle using the generated constructor.
let rect = Rectangle(width: 10, height: 5);
// Call the `area` method on the rectangle.
println(rect.area()); // 50