


Build Status


Sbtix generates a Nix definition that represents your SBT project's dependencies. It then uses this to build a Maven repo containing the stuff your project needs, and feeds it back to your SBT build.


Currently, this should mean that you won't have to redownload the world for each rebuild.

Additionally, this means that Nix can do a better job of enforcing purity where required. Ideally the build script itself should not communicate with the outer world at all, since otherwise Nix does not allow proxy settings to propagate.

Why not? (caveats)


To install sbtix clone the sbtix git repo and run the following:

cd Sbtix
nix-env -f . -i sbtix

Sbtix provides a script which will connect your project to the sbtix global plugin and launch sbt, it does this by setting the sbt.global.base directory to $HOME/.sbtix.

Sbtix commands

Creating a build

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: with pkgs;
    sbtixDir = fetchFromGitHub {
        owner = "teozkr";
        repo = "Sbtix";
        rev = "<<current git rev>>"; # Replace as needed
        sha256 = "<<<corresponding sha256 hash>>>"; # Replace as needed
    sbtix = pkgs.callPackage "${sbtixDir}/plugin/nix-exprs/sbtix.nix" {};
    sbtix.buildSbtProgram {
        name = "sbtix-example";
        src = ./.;
        repo = [ (import ./manual-repo.nix)
                 (import ./repo.nix)
                 (import ./project/repo.nix)

Project Types

Libraries and programs need to be "installed" in different ways. Sbtix currently knows how to install "programs" and Maven-style libraries. The project type is selected by the builder function you use. Use sbtix.buildSbtProgram for building programs, and sbtix.buildSbtLibrary.

There is also sbtix.buildSbtProject, which allows you to define a custom Nix installPhase.


Programs must have a stage task, and it is assumed that calling this task will put its output in target/universal/stage. This folder is then copied to be the Nix build output.

This is generally fulfilled by SBT-Native-Packager's sbt-np-jaa(Java Application Archetype).


Libraries are built by running SBT's built-in publishLocal task and then copying the resulting Ivy local repo to the Nix output folder.

Source Dependencies

Sbtix builds can depend on other Sbtix builds by adding the attr sbtixBuildInputs to their call to buildSbt*. It's used like Nix's buildInputs, but makes them available to Ivy/Coursier.


In order to use a private repository, add your credentials to coursierCredentials. Note that the key should be the name of the repository, see plugin/src/sbt-test/sbtix/private-auth/build.sbt for an example! Also, you must currently set the credentials for each SBT subproject, in ThisBuild doesn't currently work. This is for consistency with Coursier-SBT.


Q: Why I am getting errors trying to generate repo.nix files when using the PlayFramework?

A: You probably need to add the following resolver to your project for Sbtix to find.

// if using PlayFramework
resolvers += Resolver.url("sbt-plugins-releases", url("https://dl.bintray.com/playframework/sbt-plugin-releases"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

Q: When I nix-build it sbt complains java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "git": error=2, No such file or directory

A: You are likely depending on a project via git. This isn't recommended usage for sbtix since it leads to non-deterministic builds. However you can enable this by making two small changes to sbtix.nix, in order to make git a buildInput.

top of sbtix.nix with git as buildinput

{ runCommand, fetchurl, lib, stdenv, jdk, sbt, writeText, git }:

bottom of sbtix.nix with git as buildinput

buildInputs = [ jdk sbt git ] ++ buildInputs;

Q: How do I disable the generation of a default.nix?

A: You have to add generateComposition := false to your build.sbt.

Q: How do I use a different type of SBT build in default.nix

A: You can change the value of compositionType in your build.sbt. Allowed values are program and library. In the end the sbtix.buildSbt{compositionType} API in the nix expressions will be used.
