

<a target="_blank" href="https://docs.tenzir.com"> <p align="center"> <img src="./web/static/img/tenzir-white.svg#gh-dark-mode-only" width="60%" alt="Tenzir"> <img src="./web/static/img/tenzir-black.svg#gh-light-mode-only" width="60%" alt="Tenzir"> </p> </a> <h3 align="center"> Data Pipelines for Security Teams </h3> </p>

What is Tenzir?

Tenzir is the data pipeline engine for security teams.

If you need to collect, parse, shape, normalize, aggregate, store, query, and route security telemetry data at scale, you'll love how our pipelines manage your dataflows. Tenzir makes it easy to quickly onboard and store data from numerous sources, reduce data volumes to optimize cloud and data costs, and execute detections and run analytics in-stream.

Get Started

Check out our documentation where your find tutorials that walk your through the first steps, how-to guides to solve a specific problem, explanations of key concepts, and an in-depth reference of the nitty-gritty technical details.


Got questions? We're here to help. Join our friendly community Discord server where you'll find a thriving group of enthusiasts that love the intersection of data infrastructure and security operations.

<a href="https://discord.gg/xqbDgVTCxZ" alt="Tenzir Discord community"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://invidget.switchblade.xyz/xqbDgVTCxZ"> <img alt="Tenzir Discord community" src="https://invidget.switchblade.xyz/xqbDgVTCxZ?theme=light"> </picture> </a>