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Cloud Reports

Collects info about various cloud resources and analyzes them against best practices and give a JSON, CSV, HTML, or PDF reports.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33080863/54195436-a734d300-44e4-11e9-952e-482eac08f345.png"> </p>



These collect the information about various cloud resources from the cloud provider. This information later used by Analyzers to analyze.


Analyzers are the codified best practices for the cloud and these analyzes each best practice against the collected information and generates report which then consumed by Reporters to generate reports in a desired format.


These are for generating reports in various formats and currently supported formats are JSON, HTML and PDF.

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

We are implementing checks based on AWS Well Architected best practices.

Install NodeJS

This package is based on NodeJS framework so you can it install from here.

Installing cloud-reports from source


git clone https://github.com/tensult/cloud-reports.git

To get updates

If you have already cloned this repository before then for getting new updates, change directory to the cloud-reports directory and then do git pull.

git pull

Installing and Building

Make sure you are in the cloud-reports directory.

To convert typescript to javascript

npm run build 


This collects and analyzes information about your AWS cloud and stores as a report file with name scan_report.pdf.

npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile
npm run scan -- -m s3,acm
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile -m s3,acm
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -m s3
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile -m s3,acm -r ap-south-1,ap-southeast-1
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f html
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f pdf
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f pdf -i # This will only report issues
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f csv
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f csv -i # This will only report issues
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f json
npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f json -o my-dev-account

Sample reports


You can run this tool in debug mode to generate intermediate reports: collector_report.json and analyzer_report.json

npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f pdf -d

Reusing Collector report

When we are working on analyzers, we will be testing them multiple times and every time collecting data will cause delays, to avoid such delays you can use the following command to reuse already collected collector report.

npm run scan -- --profile Your-AWS-profile  -f pdf -d -u

Install as npm module to an existing package

Install cloud-reports npm module

npm install -S cloud-reports


Make sure you have initialized AWS.config, otherwise this will use default AWS profile.

    const cloudReporter = require('cloud-reports');
    // To collect for all modules
    const collectionPromise = cloudReporter.collect()
    // To collect for specific modules
    // const collectedJson = cloudReporter.collect(['s3', 'iam']);
    // const collectedJson = cloudReporter.collect('vpc');
    const analysisPromise = collectionPromise.then((collectedJson) => cloudReporter.analyze(collectedJson));
    analysisPromise.then((analysisJson) => console.log(JSON.stringify(analysisJson, null, 2)));

Multiple credentials support

You may want to run the report for multiple accounts with different set of credentials at once, then in that case you can pass different credentials to collect method.

    const cloudReporter = require('cloud-reports');
    const account1CollectionPromise = cloudReporter.collect(all, credentials1);
    const account2CollectionPromise = cloudReporter.collect(all, credentials2);

    const analysisPromise = Promise.all([account1CollectionPromise, account2CollectionPromise])
                                   .then((collectedJsons) => {
                                       return collectedJsons.map((collectedJson) => {
                                           return cloudReporter.analyze(collectedJson);
    analysisPromise.then((analysisJsons) => console.log(JSON.stringify(analysisJsons, null, 2)));

Update service regions[Broken as AWS changed the documentation UI]

We have written a script which updates the AWS regions data

node src/scripts/updateAwsServiceRegionsData.js


Currently this application only supports AWS, but can be extendable to other cloud providers. Contributions are most welcome.

Contact us

This product is supported and actively developed by Tensult. You can contact us at info@tensult.com. Also, we have a SaaS version also for this and currently it is free so please try it.