

TensorFlow-GAN (TF-GAN)

TF-GAN is a lightweight library for training and evaluating Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

Structure of the TF-GAN Library

TF-GAN is composed of several parts, which are designed to exist independently:

Who uses TF-GAN?

Numerous projects inside Google. The following are some published papers that use TF-GAN:

The framework Compare GAN uses TF-GAN, especially the evaluation metrics. Their papers use TF-GAN to ensure consistent and comparable evaluation metrics. Some of those papers are:

Training a GAN model

Training in TF-GAN typically consists of the following steps:

  1. Specify the input to your networks.
  2. Set up your generator and discriminator using a GANModel.
  3. Specify your loss using a GANLoss.
  4. Create your train ops using a GANTrainOps.
  5. Run your train ops.

At each stage, you can either use TF-GAN's convenience functions, or you can perform the step manually for fine-grained control.

There are various types of GAN setup. For instance, you can train a generator to sample unconditionally from a learned distribution, or you can condition on extra information such as a class label. TF-GAN is compatible with many setups, and we demonstrate in the well-tested examples directory

