

Firefox via VNC as a Docker Container


Docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/tenox7/vncfox

docker run -d \
    --name vncfox \
    -p 5900:5900 \

This container is dual architecture, AMD64 and ARM64, it can be run on Mac host with Apple Silicon, Raspberry PI, etc.

VNC Password is: vncfox

Persistent Profiles

If you want the profile to persist between sessions, mount /home/vncfox/.mozilla as a volume. Either create a persistent Docker volume or bind mount to a folder on the host.

docker volume create vncfox
docker run -d \
    --name vncfox \
    -v vncfox:/home/vncfox/.mozilla
    -p 5900:5900 \

Download Redirect

I typically bind mount a folder exported via NFS to /home/vncfox/Downloads.

-v /net/nas/Downloads:/home/vncfox/Downloads


The default resolution is 1024x768. This is because I mostly work on workstations with 1280x1024 and I want a smaller window. However you can set custom resolution by using WIDTH and HEIGHT env variables.

docker volume create vncfox
docker run -d \
    --name vncfox \
    -v vncfox:/home/vncfox/.mozilla
    -p 5900:5900 \
    -e WIDTH=1600 -e HEIGHT=1200 \

VNC Client

It's recommended to use Tight or Tiger VNC client to reduce CPU usage and improve performance.

A collection of Tight VNC ports is available here: http://osarchive.org/apps/vnc/tight/ports

Useful keyboard shortcuts

Firefox Customization

Better scrollbars:

widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style = 1
widget.gtk.overlay-scrollbars.enabled = false
layout.testing.overlay-scrollbars.always-visible = true

FBI recommends installation of an ad blocker.