

Subscription Workflow Project Template in PHP

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This project template illustrates the design pattern for subscription style business logic.


Run the Temporal Server:

git clone https://github.com/temporalio/docker-compose.git
cd docker-compose
docker-compose up

Start the RoadRunner Server:

composer install
./rr serve


Start the Workflow Execution for a single customer with the Id of "Id-0".

php app.php subscription

Get billing info

You can Query the Workflow Execution for the customer's billing information. The current billing period and the charge amount will be returned.

php app.php querybillinginfo  

Run this multiple times to see the billing period number and charge amount change over the course of the Workflow Execution.

Update billing

You can also send a Signal to the Workflow Execution to update the billing cycle cost to 300.

php app.php updatecharge

Cancel subscription

You can send a Signal to the Workflow Execution to cancel the subscription. The Workflow Execution will complete after the current billing period.

php app.php cancelsubscription

After running this, check out the Temporal Web UI to see that the Workflow Execution has a "Completed" status.

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