

Temporal Server docker-compose files

This repository provides docker-compose files that enable you to run a local instance of the Temporal Server. There are a variety of docker-compose files, each utilizing a different set of dependencies. Every major or minor release of the Temporal Server has a corresponding docker-compose release.


To use these files, you must first have the following installed:

How to use

The following steps will run a local instance of the Temporal Server using the default configuration file (docker-compose.yml):

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Change directory into the root of the project.
  3. Run the docker-compose up command.
git clone https://github.com/temporalio/docker-compose.git
cd  docker-compose
docker-compose up

⚠️ If you are on an M1 Mac, note that Temporal v1.12 to v1.14 had fatal issues with ARM builds. v1.14.2 onwards should be fine for M1 Macs.

After the Server has started, you can open the Temporal Web UI in your browser: http://localhost:8080.

You can also interact with the Server using a preconfigured CLI (tctl). First create an alias for tctl:

alias tctl="docker exec temporal-admin-tools tctl"

The following is an example of how to register a new namespace test-namespace with 1 day of retention:

tctl --ns test-namespace namespace register -rd 1

You can find our tctl docs on docs.temporal.io.

Get started building Workflows with a Go sample, Java sample, or write your own using one of the SDKs.

Other configuration files

The default configuration file (docker-compose.yml) uses a PostgreSQL database, an Elasticsearch instance, and exposes the Temporal gRPC Frontend on port 7233. The other configuration files in the repo spin up instances of the Temporal Server using different databases and dependencies. For example you can run the Temporal Server with MySQL and Elastic Search with this command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-mysql-es.yml up

Here is a list of available files and the dependencies they use.

docker-compose.ymlPostgreSQL and Elasticsearch (default)
docker-compose-tls.ymlPostgreSQL and Elasticsearch with TLS
docker-compose-cass-es.ymlCassandra and Elasticsearch
docker-compose-mysql-es.ymlMySQL and Elasticsearch
docker-compose-postgres-opensearch.ymlPostgreSQL and OpenSearch
docker-compose-multirole.ymlPostgreSQL and Elasticsearch with mult-role Server containers

Using multi-role configuration

First install the loki plugin (this is one time operation)

docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

Start multi-role Server configuration:

docker compose -f docker-compose-multirole.yaml up

Some exposed endpoints:

Using the web interface

docker-compose.yml includes the Temporal Web UI.

If you run command:

docker-compose up

You access the Temporal Web UI at http://localhost:8080.

Enabling metrics (with Grafana and Prometheus)

We maintain two example docker-compose setups with server metrics enabled, and Prometheus and Grafana with our Server and SDK dashboards:

Use a custom image configuration

If you want, you can even use a custom Docker image of the Temporal Server.

Clone the main Temporal Server repo: https://github.com/temporalio/temporal:

git clone https://github.com/temporalio/temporal.git

In the following command, replace <YOUR_TAG> and <YOUR_COMMIT> to build the custom Docker image:

git checkout <YOUR_COMMIT>
docker build . -t temporalio/auto-setup:<YOUR_TAG> --build-arg TARGET=auto-setup

Next, in the docker-compose.yml file, replace the services.temporal.image configuration value with <YOUR_TAG>.

Then run the docker-compose up command:

docker-compose up

Using Temporal docker images in production

These docker-compose setups listed here do not use Temporal Server directly - they utilize an auto-setup script you can read about here. You will want to familiarize yourself with this before you deploy to production.

In a typical production setting, dependencies such as cassandra or elasticsearch are managed/started independently of the Temporal server. You should use the temporalio/server image instead of temporalio/auto-setup.

To use the temporalio/server container in a production setting, use the following command:

docker run -e CASSANDRA_SEEDS=10.x.x.x                  -- csv of Cassandra server ipaddrs
    -e KEYSPACE=<keyspace>                              -- Cassandra keyspace
    -e VISIBILITY_KEYSPACE=<visibility_keyspace>        -- Cassandra visibility keyspace
    -e SKIP_SCHEMA_SETUP=true                           -- do not setup Cassandra schema during startup
    -e NUM_HISTORY_SHARDS=1024  \                       -- Number of history shards
    -e SERVICES=history,matching \                      -- Spin-up only the provided services
    -e LOG_LEVEL=debug,info \                           -- Logging level
    -e DYNAMIC_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=config/foo.yaml         -- Dynamic config file to be watched