

Github Tools for Sublime Text

Warning! This project is abandoned. See braver/GitHubTools for the actively maintained fork.


A set of handy tools for using Sublime Text editor with Github. It was initially developed for Sublime Text 2, but now also supports Sublime Text 3 Beta.

If you're a Beanstalk user, check out Beanstalk Tools for Sublime Text.


Open any directory of your GIT working copy in Sublime Text.

Use Cmd instead of Ctrl on Mac OS X.

Get it installed

With The Package Control Plugin

Warning! This will install braver/GitHubTools, the actively maintained fork of this project.

Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette type pack install, search for Github Tools and press enter.

Use Cmd instead of Ctrl on Mac OS X.

On Mac

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
git clone git://github.com/temochka/sublime-text-2-github-tools.git

On Linux

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/
git clone git://github.com/temochka/sublime-text-2-github-tools.git

On Windows

cd %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
git clone git://github.com/temochka/sublime-text-2-github-tools.git

Make sure you have included all required binaries (git) in your PATH.