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A node.js client library for using the Alexa Skill Management API.

Table Of Contents

Obtaining Essential Credentials

In order to obtain the refreshToken, clientId, and clientSecret, you'll need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Follow these instructions to retrieve clientId and clientSecret.
  2. Run ask util generate-lwa-tokens to generate a refreshToken (copy the value from refresh_token and use it to initialize refreshToken in the next step).
  3. Create a file called secrets.json which should look something like:
  "refreshToken": "generated by ask util generate-lwa-tokens",
  "clientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.myClientId",
  "clientSecret": "myClientSecret"

And here is some example code to test that the credentials are valid:

const mySmapiClient = require('node-alexa-smapi')();
const mySecrets = require('./secrets.json');

  refreshToken: mySecrets.refreshToken,
  clientId: mySecrets.clientId,
  clientSecret: mySecrets.clientSecret,
}).then(() => {
  mySmapiClient.vendors.list().then(result => {
    console.log(`My vendor list: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, ' ')}`);

See the examples part for more examples.


Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/ask-cli-intro.html#smapi-intro

All methods return a promise, which either resolves to the SMAPI data received, or rejects with an error.


// Constructor for building the SMAPI REST client.
// params should be in the form: {version: "v0, or v1 (default)", region: "NA (default), EU, or FE"}.
Object alexaSmapi(optional Object params)


// All possible base URLs. By default, the NA url is used.
const BASE_URLS = {
  NA: 'https://api.amazonalexa.com',
  EU: 'https://api.eu.amazonalexa.com',
  FE: 'https://api.fe.amazonalexa.com'

Access Tokens

This module includes operation to retrieve a SMAPI compliant (Login with Amazon) access token. Immediately after instantiation invoke alexaSmapi.tokens.refresh(params) to seed the (Authorization header) access token for all future operations.

// Constructor for building the SMAPI REST client.
// params should be in the form: {version: "v0, or v1 (default)", region: "NA (default), EU, or FE"}.
const alexaSmapi = require('node-alexa-smapi');
var smapiClient = alexaSmapi(optional Object params);
  refreshToken: "MY_REFRESH_TOKEN",
  clientId: "MY_CLIENT_ID",
  clientSecret: "MY_CLIENT_SECRET"

Skill Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/skill-operations.html

// Fetches the skill manifest associated with the skill ID.
Object alexaSmapi.skills.getManifest(String skillId, String stage)

// Creates a new skill associated with the vendor ID.
Object alexaSmapi.skills.create(String vendorId, Object skillManifest)

// Updates a skill's manifest with the specified skill ID.
alexaSmapi.skills.update(String skillId, String stage, Object skillManifest)

// Retrieves the current statuc of the skill
Object alexaSmapi.skills.status(String skillId)

// List the skills for a specified vendorId, which is a mandatory parameter.
// The optional maxResults and nextToken values provide paging for the results.
Object alexaSmapi.skills.list(String vendorId, optional Integer maxResults, optional String nextToken)

// Deletes a skill by its skill ID.
alexaSmapi.skills.delete(String skillId)

Interaction Model Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/interaction-model-operations.html

// Retrieves the interaction model for a specified skill.
Object alexaSmapi.interactionModel.get(String skillId, String stage, String locale)

// Retrieves the Etag for a specified skill.
String alexaSmapi.interactionModel.getEtag(String skillId, String stage, String locale)

// Updates the interaction model for a specified skill.
Object alexaSmapi.interactionModel.update(String skillId, String stage, String locale, Object interactionModel)

// Retrieves the building status of the interaction model.
Object alexaSmapi.interactionModel.getStatus(String skillId, String stage, String locale)

Account Linking Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/account-linking-operations.html

// Updates the account linking details
alexaSmapi.accountLinking.update(String skillId, String stage, Object accountLinkingRequest)

// Retrieves the account linking details
Object alexaSmapi.accountLinking.readInfo(String skillId, String stage)

// Deletes the account linking details
alexaSmapi.accountLinking.delete(String skillId, String stage)

Vendor Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/vendor-operations.html

// List all of the vendors associated with a user (access token).
Array alexaSmapi.vendors.list()

Skill Enablement Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/skill-enablement.html

// Enables a skill stage for the requestor. The requestor should be either a developer or the owner of the skill.
// Please note that only one skill stage can be enabled for a given user at one time.
alexaSmapi.skillEnablement.enable(String skillId, String stage)

// Checks whether a skill stage is enabled or not for the requestor.
alexaSmapi.skillEnablement.status(String skillId, String stage)

// Disables a skill by deleting the skill enablement.
alexaSmapi.skillEnablement.disable(String skillId, String stage)

Skill Certification Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/skill-certification-operations.html

// Submit a skill for certification for potential publication.
alexaSmapi.skillCertification.submit(String skillId)

// Check status of a skill certification.
// Working for v1 only as it was implemented mainly trough trial & error as operation  is not documented under https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/skill-certification-operations.html
alexaSmapi.skillCertification.status(String vendorId, String skillId)

// Withdraw a skill from the certification process.
// Possible enumeration values for 'reason'
// * OTHER
alexaSmapi.skillCertification.withdraw(String skillId, String reason, String message)

Skill Testing Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/skill-testing-operations.html

// Used for directly testing a skill by passing the skill request object directly.
Object alexaSmapi.skillTesting.validate(String skillId, String stage, [String] locales)

// Used for directly testing a skill by passing the skill request object directly.
Object alexaSmapi.skillTesting.validationStatus(String skillId, String stage, String validationId)

// Used for directly testing a skill by passing the skill request object directly.
Object alexaSmapi.skillTesting.invoke(String skillId, String endpointRegion, Object skillRequest)

// Simulates a skill execution.
Object alexaSmapi.skillTesting.simulate(String skillId, String content, String locale)

// Retrieves the status of the simulated skill execution.
Object alexaSmapi.skillTesting.simulationStatus(String skillId, String requestId)

Intent Request History Operations

Official Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/intent-request-history.html

// Provides aggregated and anonymized transcriptions of user speech data and intent request details for their skills, on a per-skill basis.
// A skill must have at least 10 unique users per locale in a day, in order for data to be available for that locale for that day.
// Here is the format for params (only the skillId is required all others are optional):
// * skillId - The skillId for which utterance data is returned.
// * nextToken (default: null) - Use nextToken along with the maxResults parameter to specify how many results should be loaded in the page.
// * maxResults (default: 10) - Maximum number of result items (at-most and not at-least) that will be returned in the response.
// * sortDirection (dafault: desc) - Valid values: asc (for ascending) or desc (for descending).
// * sortField - Valid values: dialogAct.name, locale, intent.confidence.bin, stage, publicationStatus, intent.name, interactionType, or utteranceText.
// * dialogAct.name (default: null) - Valid values: Dialog.ElicitSlot, Dialog.ConfirmSlot, or Dialog.ConfirmIntent.
// * locale (default: null) - Valid values: All currently supported locales. Example: en-US. This filter can have multiple values and is not case-sensitive.
// * intent.confidence.bin (default: null) - Valid values: HIGH, MEDIUM, OR LOW. This filter can have multiple values and is not case-sensitive.
// * stage (default: null) - Valid values: live or development. This filter can have multiple values and is not case-sensitive.
// * publicationStatus (default: null) - Valid values: certification or development. This filter can have multiple values and is not case-sensitive.
// * utteranceText (default: null) - Valid values: Any string. This filter can have multiple values and is not case-sensitive.
// * intent.name (default: null) - Valid values: Any string without white spaces. This filter can have multiple values and is not case-sensitive.
// * intent.slot.name (default: null) - Valid values: Any string without white spaces. This filter can have multiple values and is not case-sensitive.
// * interactionType (default: null) - This filter can have multiple values. Valid values:
//   * ONE_SHOT: The user invokes the skill and states their intent in a single phrase.
//   * MODAL: The user first invokes the skill and then states their intent.
alexaSmapi.intentRequests.list(Object params)

Sample params:

const params = {
  skillId: 'MY_SKILL_ID',
  maxResults: 10,
  sortDirection: 'desc',
  sortField: 'intent.confidence.bin',
  locale: 'en-US',
  locale: 'en-CA',
  locale: 'en-GB',
  locale: 'en-AU',
  locale: 'en-IN',
  'intent.confidence.bin': 'high',
  'intent.confidence.bin': 'medium',
  'intent.confidence.bin': 'low',
  stage: 'live',
  stage: 'development',
  publicationStatus: 'certification',
  publicationStatus: 'development',
  utteranceText: 'api',
  utteranceText: 'a pie',
  utteranceText: 'ape',
  'intent.name': 'testIntent',
  'intent.name': 'AMAZON.HelpIntent',
  interactionType: 'ONE_SHOT',
  interactionType: 'MODAL'

Miscellaneous Functions

// Refeshes the authorization token with the access token provided.
alexaSmapi.refreshToken(String accessToken)

// Sets the new base URL for future API calls.
alexaSmapi.setBaseUrl(String url)

Custom API calls

Due to its recent release to the public, some API methods may not be covered by this module. In that case, a bunch of custom functions are available to use. They will return the response received from making the call.

// Perform a custom HEAD request
alexaSmapi.custom.head(String url)

// Perform a custom GET request
alexaSmapi.custom.get(String url, Object parameters)

// Perform a custom POST request
alexaSmapi.custom.post(String url, Object parameters)

// Perform a custom PUT request
alexaSmapi.custom.put(String url, Object parameters)

// Perform a custom DELETE request
alexaSmapi.custom.delete(String url)


Note that you'll always need to have a valid refreshToken, in which you can obtain that code below:

const mySmapiClient = require('node-alexa-smapi')();
const mySecrets = require('./secrets.json');

  refreshToken: mySecrets.refreshToken,
  clientId: mySecrets.clientId,
  clientSecret: mySecrets.clientSecret,
}).then(() => {
  // do something with the SMAPI client...

Using Promises

const mySmapiClient = require('node-alexa-smapi')();
const mySecrets = require('./secrets.json');

  refreshToken: mySecrets.refreshToken,
  clientId: mySecrets.clientId,
  clientSecret: mySecrets.clientSecret,
.then(() => smapiClient.skills.getManifest(skillId, 'development'))
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.log(error));

Using Async/Await

const mySmapiClient = require('node-alexa-smapi')();
const mySecrets = require('./secrets.json');

(async function() {
  try {
    await mySmapiClient.tokens.refresh({
      refreshToken: mySecrets.refreshToken,
      clientId: mySecrets.clientId,
      clientSecret: mySecrets.clientSecret,
    let manifest = await smapiClient.skills.getManifest(skillId, 'development');
  } catch (error) {