

#Scotch ###A really classy, dead simple, markdown based, blogging framework for node.js

Build Status

To try Scotch for yourself, make sure that you have node, npm, and mongodb installed (and running), then do this:

$> npm install -g scotch-blog
$> scotch create blog
$> cd blog
$> sudo scotch serve

Go to to install Scotch.

Your blog should be up and running on http://localhost

Static Site Generation

$> cd blog
$> scotch generate

Your you should now have a 'static' directory in your blog's root directory.

Read the deployment docs on how to configure static site deployment.


Scotch's dashboard


writing in Scotch


writing in Scotch

Importing From Octopress

$ cd my-scotch-blog
$ scotch import ~/Octoblog/source/_posts


Create config/deployment.js and fill it with your deployment settings then run scotch deploy from your terminal. At the moment we support S3 and FTP deployment, with gh-pages on its way.

Sample S3 Settings
module.exports = {
  "destination": "s3"
, "opts": {
    "bucket": "<BUCKET NAME>"
  , "key": "<AWS ACCESS KEY>"
  , "secret": "<AWS SECRET KEY>"
  , "region": "<AWS REGION>"      //us-west-1
Sample FTP Settings
module.exports = {
  "destination": "ftp"
, "opts": {
    "host": "<FTP HOST>"          //ftp.myserver.com
  , "port": <FTP PORT>            //Default: 21
  , "username": "<FTP USERNAME>"
  , "password": "<FTP PASSWORD>"


Plugins are installed via npm and enabled via in config/environment.js.

* Sample config/environment.js
* `npm install readmore`
var config = {
  port: 80,
  model: {
    defaultAdapter: 'mongo'
  db: {
    mongo: {
      dbname: 'blog'
  plugins: {
    formatters: [

module.exports = config;

Formatter plugins enhance the markdown language.

* An example formatter plugin that replaces the string "charcount" with the number
* of characters in the markdown source when viewing a post in the blog index
var replacer = function (buffer) {
  //`this` in the context of a formatter plugin refers to the post model
  return buffer.replace(/charcount/, this.markdown.length);

* You can modify either the `index` or `show` actions.
* By not exporting to exports.show, our plugin will only
* run on posts during the index action
exports.index = replacer;


A new field was added in ce22e2a4a804245ad81c8c7a82407e6dd830d287 for post publishing timestamps.

To upgrade your database:

$ cd my-scotch-blog
$ scotch upgrade

It is safe to do this multiple times.

Things to Do

If you'd like to help out, check out the issue list.