


Visual Studio Marketplace Installs Visual Studio Marketplace Installs Visual Studio Marketplace Installs

Visual Studio extension of SpecFlow (extracted from the main SpecFlow repo).

For documentation, please refer to the SpecFlow website: https://www.specflow.org

Build status

Continuous Integration: Build Status

Deployment status

Unit tests: Unit tests status

Publish to MyGet: Publish to MyGet status

MyGet Feed: https://www.myget.org/F/specflow-vsix/vsix/

Build prerequisites


Use SpecFlow.VisualStudio.sln.


To start the experimental instance of Visual Studio configure "Start external program" and Command line arguments on the "Debug"- Tab in the property window of the VSIntegration project.

Start external program:

Command line args for all Visual Studio Versions:
/RootSuffix Exp