


A simple, clueless bot


ExMustang is a bot for Slack written in Elixir. While ExMustang is written for Slack, the responder modules should work fine with other Hedwig adapters as well. If you like Mustang, please use Mustang as bot image if possible :)

Warning: This is a work in progress.





Create a Slack bot user from here. You will receive an API token you can use. Set the SLACK_API_TOKEN environment variable and you should be good to go.

You can run this bot as below:

mix run --no-halt

A sample runner configuration looks like below:

export STANDUP_CHANNEL="scrum"
export GH_CHANNEL="github"
export PWN_CHANNEL="critical"
export UPTIME_CHANNEL="critical"

mix run --no-halt

For using ex_mustang with multiple slack teams, you can use MIX_ENV by creating config files such as yourteam.exs and run as MIX_ENV=yourteam mix run --no-halt

Scheduled Notifications

Github Pull Requests Watcher

You can configure github token by setting GITHUB_TOKEN. Also, you can pass list of repos to watch by updating config. There are bunch of other stuffs you can configure such as schedule (which follows cron format), slack channel and thresholds.

Standup Reminder

The standup reminder reminds us when its standup time. Our nature is that we either forget track of time or are too lazy to remember about it. This does not make you better at attending standup but is more of a satire for us. You can configure message and other bunch of stuffs on config

Have I Been Pwned Checker

The hibp checker can check list of accounts against haveibeenpwned.com by using ExPwned. You can set the appropriate configuration on config.exs.

# config below runs hibp check once a day and posts if any found breach to configured slack channel
config :ex_mustang, ExMustang.Responders.Pwned,
  schedule: "0 * */1 * *",
  enabled: true,
  accounts: [
  slack_channel: System.get_env("PWN_CHANNEL") || "general"

Uptime Monitoring

ExMustang supports simple uptime monitoring and can perform periodic uptime checks against given set of endpoints. The config block looks like below:

config :ex_mustang, ExMustang.Responders.Uptime,
  schedule: "*/5 * * *",
  enabled: true,
  endpoints: [
      uri: "https://api.brighterlink.io/status", status_code: 200, content: ~s("msg":"ok"), method: "GET",
      content_type: "application/json", req_headers: [{"User-Agent", "ExMustang"}], timeout: 20_000
  slack_channel: System.get_env("UPTIME_CHANNEL") || "general"

The endpoints section is where you define the endpoints you're willing to perform uptime check against.

Random Quote of the Day

ExMustang can send a quote as specified in schedule. You can configure schedule from config.exs and you can specify QUOTE_CHANNEL env-var. If QUOTE_CHANNEL is not specified, the quotes are sent to general channel by default.


Currently, there are following responders and these should ideally work with any Hedwig adapters:

For Google Maps search, you have to set GOOGLE_API_KEY which has access to call google places api.

mustang help - Displays all of the help commands that mustang knows about.
mustang help <query> - Displays all help commands that match <query>.
gmap <search_term> - Replies with the information from google places/maps.
pwned <search_account> - Checks to see if an account has been breached or not
quote - Replies with a random quote.
slap - Slaps the user. Format: slap <username> | me
time - get time in a given timezone
unix2iso <unix_timestamp> - Converts given unix timestamp to ISO format (Auto-replies for values that look like timestamps)
b64encode <content> - base64 encoding of given text content
b64decode <content> - base64 decoding of given text content
isitup <domain> - checks if given domain is up or not
insult me|<username> - insults given username with random insults
httpcat <status_code> - get http status code cat for given value
howdoi <query> - tries to find solution on the given query
commitmsg - get a random commit message
clifu [search_word] - get clifu gem (gives random clifu if no keyword is passed)
whois <domain> - gives whois query for given domain
gittip [keyword] - Get a random git tip for given keyword
happy birthday <me|@user> - Send happy birthday message to the user mentioned
hdeploy <app-name> - Deploys configured branch to the given app
inviteall [src_channel] - invite all the members of source channel
giphy [search_term] - Tries to find a GIF matching search_term (gives random gif if no search_term is provided)

Heroku Deployment

For heroku deployment to work, you need to specify the following configurations:

An example config looks like below:

config :ex_mustang, ExMustang.Responders.HerokuDeploy,
  github_token: System.get_env("HEROKU_GITHUB_TOKEN") || System.get_env("GITHUB_TOKEN"),
  token: System.get_env("HEROKU_TOKEN"),
  apps: [
    {"casa-core-stage", %{repo: "casaiq/core", branch: "master"}}

InviteAll Responder

The invite all responder requires you to provide a token of a non-bot and non-guest slack team member because thats how the slack api works. You can get your personal tokens from HERE


The detail changelog is available HERE

About Mustang

Mustang (pronounced like moostang not like the Ford Mustang; I don't know phonetics) is my best friend whom I had to leave back in Nepal. After surviving April 2015 Earthquake, we lived together for a while and I had to leave him back in Nepal. Below is the pic post-earthquake.

Mustang and Me