


TLE is a helper for data extract-transform-load (ETL)

Sample ETL

Why This

TLE lets you programmatically transform spreadsheet data (or MySQL database) by remapping columns and preparing data (eg changing case-formatting) for consumption by downstream systems.

Originally developed pro bono for syncing ipcLink system used by Singapore non-profits to MYOB accounting system. For open-source ETL tools that are based on GUI, consider using Pentaho Data Integration or Talend Open Studio.

Set Up

Create a transformation mapping file with 2 rows, for eg

NameEmailUser ID

For database input, provide input file in below format for script to read from database

user commentsservernameusernamepassworddatabasetablename

To Use

To transform input.csv using mapping.csv logic into output.csv (supported data formats - csv xls xlsx html)

php etl_start.php input.csv mapping.csv output.csv

To call TLE within a PHP script, simply assign the variables accordingly and include etl_start.php

$argv[1] = "input.csv"; $argv[2] = "mapping.csv"; $argv[3] = "output.csv"; include('etl_start.php');


TLE is open-source software released under the MIT license