

<!-- README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->


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The goal of ooklaOpenDataR is to make it easier to access data from Ookla’s open data program. This dataset provides global fixed broadband and mobile (cellular) network performance metrics in zoom level 16 web Mercator tiles (approximately 610.8 meters by 610.8 meters at the equator). The tiles are updated quarterly.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


This is how you can get the global dataset for mobile network data in Q2 2020:


mobile_q2 <- get_performance_tiles(service = "mobile", quarter = 2, year = 2020)

Or you can get the fixed broadband data for the same quarter as an sf data frame with the sf argument.

fixed_q2_sf <- get_performance_tiles(service = "mobile", quarter = 2, year = 2020, sf = TRUE)

The package vignettes demonstrate how to filter the tiles to a particular area of interest using the filter_by_quadkey() function.


The dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons license for non-commerical use.

Recommended citation

Speedtest® by Ookla® Global Fixed and Mobile Network Performance Maps. Based on analysis by Ookla of Speedtest Intelligence® data for [DATA TIME PERIOD]. Provided by Ookla and accessed [DAY MONTH YEAR]. Ookla trademarks used under license and reprinted with permission.