Better router for Play Framework 2.0
The "why" and "how" -
Add play-navigator
to your project/Build.scala
val appDependencies = Seq(
"eu.teamon" %% "play-navigator" % "0.5.0"
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
resolvers += " repo" at ""
From 0.5.0 only Play >= 2.2.0 is supported. Use 0.4.0 if you need to support Play < 2.2.0.
Delete conf/routes
file (optional since 0.3.0, you can use both)
Create new file PROJECT_ROOT/app/controllers/nav.scala
package controllers
import play.navigator._
object nav extends PlayNavigator {
// Your routes definition (see below)
Your app/Global.scala
should look like this
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
object Global extends GlobalSettings {
override def onRouteRequest(request: RequestHeader) = {
controllers.nav.onRouteRequest(request) // handle requests with play-navigator
// optionally you can fallback to standard Play routes with
// controllers.nav.onRouteRequest(request) orElse super.onRouteRequest(request)
override def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader) = {
// display 404 page with routes documentation
val result = controllers.nav.onHandlerNotFound(request)
// Play < 2.2.0
// Play >= 2.2.0
Routes definition
// Basic. Remember to add '_' after parameterless functions.
val home = GET on root to Application.index _
val index = GET on "index" to Application.index _
val about = GET on "about" to Application.about _
val foo = POST on "foo" to Application.about _
val show = GET on "show" / * to
val ws = GET on "ws" to _
val bar = GET on "bar" / * / * / "blah" / * to
// Catches /long/a/b/c/.../z
var long = GET on "long" / ** to Application.long
// Require extension: /ext/{param}.{ext}
GET on "ext" / * as "json" to Application.extJson
GET on "ext" / * as "xml" to Application.extXml
// REST routes
val todos = resources("todos", Todos)
// Namespace ...
GET on "index" to Application.index _
// ... or with reverse routing support
val api = new Namespace("api"){
val v2 = new Namespace("v2"){
val about = GET on "about" to Application.about _
// and back to top-level namespace
GET on "showalt" / * to
// redirect
GET on "redirect-me" to redirect("")
// assets
val assets = GET on "assets" / ** to { s: String =>"/public", s) }
and Todos
controllers used in example
// app/controllers/Application.scala
package controllers
import play.api.mvc._
object Application extends Controller {
def index(): Action[_] = Action {
Ok("Applcation.index => " + routes.index())
def about(): Action[_] = Action {
Ok("Application.about => " + routes.about() + " or " + routes.api.v2.about())
def show(id: Int): Action[_] = Action {
Ok(" => %s" format (id,
def bar(f: Float, b: Boolean, s: String): Action[_] = Action {
Ok(", %b, %s) => %s" format (f, b, s,,b,s)))
def long(path: String) = Action {
Ok("Application.long(%s)" format path)
def extJson(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Application.extJson(%d)" format id) }
def extXml(id: String) = Action { Ok("Application.extXml(%s)" format id) }
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
def ws() = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>
val in = Iteratee.foreach[String](println).mapDone { _ =>
val out = Enumerator("Hello!")
(in, out)
// app/controllers/Todos.scala
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import navigator._
object Todos extends Controller with PlayResourcesController[Int] {
def index() = Action { Ok("Todos.index => %s" format nav.todos.index()) }
def `new`() = Action { Ok(" => %s" format nav.todos.`new`()) }
def create() = Action { Ok("Todos.create => %s" format nav.todos.create()) }
def show(id: Int) = Action { Ok(" => %s" format (id, }
def edit(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Todos.edit(%d) => %s" format (id, nav.todos.edit(id))) }
def update(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Todos.update(%d) => %s" format (id, nav.todos.update(id))) }
def delete(id: Int) = Action { Ok("Todos.delete(%d) => %s" format (id, nav.todos.delete(id))) }
Mountable routers
case class FirstModule(parent: PlayNavigator) extends PlayModule(parent) with Controller {
val home = GET on root to first.Application.index _
val foobar = GET on "foo" / "bar" / * to
case class SecondModule(parent: PlayNavigator) extends PlayModule(parent) with Controller {
val home = GET on root to (() => second.Application.index)
val foobar = GET on "foo" / "bar" / * to
// Main router
object nav extends PlayNavigator {
val first = "first" --> FirstModule
val second = "second" / "module" --> SecondModule
Generated routes:
and reverse routing:
nav.first.home() // => "/first" // => "/first/foo/bar/3"
nav.second.home() // => "/second/module" // => "/second/module/foo/bar/3"