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fastapi-event is event dispatcher for FastAPI framework.


pip3 install fastapi-event


Make Event

from fastapi_event import BaseEvent

class TestEvent(BaseEvent):
    async def run(self, parameter=None):

Inherit BaseEvent and override run() method.

from fastapi_event import BaseEvent

class FirstEvent(BaseEvent):
    ORDER = 1  # HERE(Optional)
    async def run(self, parameter=None):

class SecondEvent(BaseEvent):
    ORDER = 2  # HERE(Optional)
    async def run(self, parameter=None):

If you want to determine the order between events, specify ORDER in your event.

Then, regardless of the order in which the events are stored, they will be executed in the order specified in ORDER variable.

However, ORDER does not work when run_at_once=True.


from pydantic import BaseModel

class TestEventParameter(BaseModel):
    id: str
    pw: str

In case of need parameter, you have to inherit BaseModel and set fields.


from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_event import EventHandlerMiddleware

app = FastAPI()


from fastapi_event import EventListener

async def test():

Set @EventListener() decorator on the function that emits the event.


If you pass run_at_once=False, it will execute in the order in which store() is called. (or according to the ORDER variable defined in the event)

Otherwise, it will execute through asyncio.gather() to run at once.

Store event

from fastapi_event import EventListener, event_handler

async def test():
    await event_handler.store(
        parameter=TestParameter(id="hide", pw="hide"),  # Optional

Store your event to handler via store() method. (parameter is optional)

An event will be emitted after the function has finished executing.