


Distributed timed job queue, backed by redis.

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const TimedQueue = require('timed-queue')
const timedQueue = new TimedQueue({prefix: 'TQ1', interval: 1000 * 60})

// connect to redis cluster.
timedQueue.connect([7000, 7001, 7002])
  .on('error', function (error) {

// create 'event' job queue in timed-queue instance
const eventQueue = timedQueue.queue('event')

// add 'job' listener
eventQueue.on('job', function (jobObj) {
  // ... just do some thing
  // ACK the job

// add job to queue
eventQueue.addjob(eventObj.id, new Date(eventObj.startDate).getTime() - 10 * 60 * 1000)(function (err, res) {
  console.log(err, res)


npm install timed-queue


Job Class:

function Job (queue, job, timing, active, retryCount) {
  this.queue = queue
  this.job = job
  this.timing = timing
  this.active = active
  this.retryCount = retryCount


const TimedQueue = require('timed-queue')

new TimedQueue([options]) => timedQueue object

Return a timedQueue client. It is an EventEmitter instance.

const timedQueue = new TimedQueue()

TimedQueue Events

TimedQueue.prototype.connect([host, options]) => this

TimedQueue.prototype.connect(redisClient) => this

Connect to redis. Arguments are the same as thunk-redis's createClient, or give a thunk-redis instance.


TimedQueue.prototype.scan() => this

Start scanning. It automatically starts after connect method is called unless autoScan is set to false.

TimedQueue.prototype.stop() => this

Stop scanning.

TimedQueue.prototype.close() => this

Close the timedQueue. It closes redis client of the timedQueue accordingly.

TimedQueue.prototype.regulateFreq(factor) => this

It is used to regulate the automatic scanning frequency.

TimedQueue.prototype.destroyQueue(queue[, options]) => this

Remove the queue. It deletes all data in the queue from redis.

TimedQueue.prototype.queue(queue[, options]) => Queue instance

Return a Queue instance if one exists. Otherwise it creates a Queue instance and return it. Queue instance is a EventEmitter instance.

const eventQueue = timedQueue.queue('event', {retry: 1000, expire: 5000})

Queue Events

If no job listener on queue, queue scanning will not run.

Queue.prototype.init([options]) => this

Queue.prototype.addjob(job, timing[, job, timing, ...]) => thunk function

Queue.prototype.addjob([job, timing, job, timing, ...]) => thunk function

Add one or more jobs to the queue. It can be used to update the job's timing.

eventQueue.addjob('52b3b5f49c2238313600015d', 1441552050409)(function (err, res) {
  console.log(err, res)
  // null, 1

Queue.prototype.show(job) => thunk function

Show the job info.

eventQueue.show('52b3b5f49c2238313600015d')(function (err, res) {
  console.log(err, res)
  // {
  //   queue: 'event',
  //   job: '52b3b5f49c2238313600015d',
  //   timing: 1441552050409
  //   active: 0,
  //   retryCount: 0
  // }

Queue.prototype.deljob(job[, job, ...]) => thunk function

Queue.prototype.deljob([job, job, ...]) => thunk function

Delete one or more jobs.

eventQueue.deljob('52b3b5f49c2238313600015d')(function (err, res) {
  console.log(err, res) // null, 1

Queue.prototype.getjobs([scanActive]) => thunk function

It is called by Queue.prototype.scan. It should not be called explicitly unless you know what you are doing.

Queue.prototype.ackjob(job[, job, ...]) => thunk function

Queue.prototype.ackjob([job, job, ...]) => thunk function

ACK one or more jobs.

eventQueue.ackjob('52b3b5f49c2238313600015d')(function (err, res) {
  console.log(err, res) // null, 1

Queue.prototype.scan() => thunk function

It is called by TimedQueue.prototype.scan. It should not be called explicitly unless you know what you are doing.

Queue.prototype.len() => thunk function

Return the queue' length.

eventQueue.len()(function (err, res) {
  console.log(err, res) // null, 3

Queue.prototype.showActive() => thunk function

Return actived jobs in the queue.

eventQueue.showActive()(function (err, res) {
  console.log(err, res) // null, [jobs...]