


A build system for the Teal language


luarocks install cyan


Quick Start

$ cyan init <name>

Will create and populate a directory with a barebones tlconfig.lua, as well as a src and build directory.

Create some files,

$ echo 'print("Hello, World!")' > src/main.tl

Compile them with build

$ cyan build
     Info Type checked src/main.tl
     Info Wrote build/main.lua

And run them as you would any lua file

$ lua build/main.lua
Hello, World!

For a more in depth explanation of the config options, documentation can be found here.


The output of all the commands is much nicer for humans than it is for computers. If you'd like the output of commands, or to be able to load a config file in your own tooling, we provide a small api.

Auto-generated documentation can be found here.