


A set of tools to ease REST AWS Lambda Functions

About Lambda Forest

Lambda Forest is a microframework that provides a set of tools to make it easier to develop rest api's using the aws lambda function and api gateway. Lambda Forest attempts to make the develpment faster by easing common tasks, such as:

Before you begin

In order to use Lambda Forest the AWS API Gateway needs to be configured to use Proxy Integration.

A detailed documentation can be found here.

Getting Started

The recommended way to use Lambda Forest is to consume it from Maven. To add the lastest version of Lambda Forest in your project declare the following dependency in your pom.xml file:


Handling Requests

The Lambda Forest framework provides an abstract base class called AbstratRequestHandler that handles a Lambda execution call and perform some operations such as request body deserialization, request validation, response body serialization and exception handling.


public class PostHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler<UserRequest, UserResponse> {

    public void before(Context context) throws HttpException {
        addResponseHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    public UserResponse execute(UserRequest input, Context context) throws HttpException {
        UserResponse response = new UserResponse();
        return response;


public class GetHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler<Void, UserResponse> {

    public void before(Context context) throws HttpException {
        addResponseHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    public UserResponse execute(Void input, Context context) throws HttpException {
        Optional<String> optional = getQueryStringParameter("name");
        String name = optional.orElseThrow(() -> new UnprocessableEntityException());
        UserResponse response = new UserResponse();
        return response;

You can also specify a pojo as an input of a GET request to be deserialized based on the query string parameters:

curl http://my-aws-api-gateway-resource/users?name=myname&address=myaddress
public class GetRequest {
    private String name;
    private String address;
    ...getters and setters
public class GetHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler<GetRequest, UserResponse> {

    public void before(Context context) throws HttpException {
        addResponseHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    public UserResponse execute(GetRequest input, Context context) throws HttpException {	
        UserResponse response = new UserResponse();
        return response;


public class DeleteHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler<Void, UserResponse> {

    public void before(Context context) throws HttpException {
        addResponseHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    public UserResponse execute(Void input, Context context) throws HttpException { 
        Optional<String> optional = getPathParameter("id");
        String id = optional.get();
        // some delete operation...
        UserResponse response = new UserResponse();        
        return response;

The Request / Response Attributes

The AbstractRequestHandler class provides methods to access all the request / response attributes and the Lambda environment context as well:

Request HeadersgetHeader("headerName")
Response HeadersaddResponseHeader("headerName")
Raw Request BodygetRawRequestBody()
Http MethodgetHttpMethod()
Resource PathgetPath()
Stage VariablesgetStageVariable("stageVariableName")
Path ParametersgetPathParameter("parameterName")
Query String ParametersgetQueryStringParameter("parameterName")

Request Validation

Lambda Forest uses the Hibernate bean validation implementation to validate requests. To validate the incoming request the input parameter of the execute method must be annotated with @Valid


public class UserRequest {
    @Size(min=1, max=50, message="Invalid name message")
    private String name;
    @NotBlank(message="Invalid address message")
    private String address;

    ... getters and setters
public class LambdaHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler<UserRequest, UserResponse> {

    public void before(Context context) throws HttpException {
        addResponseHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    public UserResponse execute(@Valid UserRequest input, Context context) throws HttpException {
        UserResponse response = new UserResponse();
        return response;

If any constraint violation occurs an UnprocessableEntityException will be thrown and the http response will be serialized with the error details.


curl -X POST http://my-api-gateway-resource/users -d '{"name": "my name", "address": ""}'

I this particular example the server will respond the above request with a http status code 422 and the following response body:

    "message": "Unprocessable entity",
    "errors": [
            "attribute": "address",
            "message": "Invalid address message"

A detailed documentation of the Hibernate validation can be found here.

If you want to provide your own bean validation mechanism, the method resolveRequestValidator should be overridden:

protected RequestValidator resolveRequestValidator() {
    return new MyCustomRequestValidator();

Serialization and Deserialization

Lambda Forest uses Jackson to serialize and deserialize the request and response body.

The deserialization and serialization strategies are based on two http headers:

If you want to provide your own request body deserializer, the method resolveDeserializerStrategy should be overridden:

protected RequestBodyDeserializerStrategy resolveDeserializerStrategy(String contentType) {
    return new MyCustomRequestBodyDeserializer();

If you want to provide your own response body serializer, the method resolveSerializerStrategy should be overridden:

protected ResponseBodySerializerStrategy resolveSerializerStrategy(String accept) {
    return new MyCustomResponseBodySerializer();

API Gateway Custom Authorizer

Lambda Forest offers a simple way to create a custom API Gateway Authorizer:

Allowing a Request

public class CustomAPIGatewayAuthorizer extends AbstractAPIGatewayAuthorizer {

  public AuthPolicy authorize(AuthRequest request, Context context) throws HttpException {
    // your custom authorization logic here
    PolicyStatement policyStatement = new PolicyStatement(

    return new AuthPolicyBuilder()
      .addToContext("myCustomKey", "myCustomValue")


Denying access to all API Gateway Resources

public class CustomAPIGatewayAuthorizer extends AbstractAPIGatewayAuthorizer {

  public AuthPolicy authorize(AuthRequest request, Context context) throws HttpException {
    // your custom authorization logic here
    return new AuthPolicyBuilder("principal-id")


Denying access with a HTTP Exception

public class CustomAPIGatewayAuthorizer extends AbstractAPIGatewayAuthorizer {
  public AuthPolicy authorize(AuthRequest request, Context context) throws HttpException {
    // your custom authorization logic here
    throw new UnauthorizedException();


Running locally

The Lambda Forest framework provides a class that simulates a Lambda execution call.

To simulate a Lambda execution call it is necessary to define an execution specification in your project resource folder.


│   └───main
│      └───resources
│            lambda-spec.json
    "context": {
        "awsRequestId": "",
        "logGroupName": "",
        "logStreamName": "",
        "functionName": "",
        "functionVersion": "",
        "invokedFunctionArn": "",
        "identity": null,
        "clientContext": {
            "client": {
                "installationId": "",
                "appTitle": "",
                "appVersionName": "",
                "appVersionCode": "",
                "appPackageName": ""
            "custom": {
            "environment": {
        "remainingTimeInMillis": 30,
        "memoryLimitInMB": 128,
        "logger": null
            "path": "/users",
            "pathParameters": {
            "queryStringParameters": {
            "resource": "users",
            "stageVariables": {
            "headers": {
            "body": {               
                "name": "my name",
                "message": "This is my message"
public class LambdaHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler<UserRequest, UserResponse> {

    public void before(Context context) throws HttpException {
        addResponseHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    public UserResponse execute(@Valid UserRequest input, Context context) throws HttpException {
        UserResponse response = new UserResponse();
        return response;
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        LambdaRunner.run("lambda-spec.json", LambdaHandler.class, args)


The Lambda Forest framework is open-source software licensed under the MIT license .