

■ sqtracker

Latest stable release License GPLv3 Client Docker image API Docker image Discord

sqtracker is a modern private BitTorrent tracker platform.

It implements all of the features required to run a private (or public) tracker and does not focus on any one specific type of content. It is suitable for running a tracker site of any kind.

Please join the Discord server for support and general chat.



The roadmap is still being expanded.


All configuration is provided via a single JavaScript file named config.js. This file must export an object containing 2 keys: envs and secrets.

An example configuration can be found in config.example.js. This file contains examples and explanations for each config value.

If your configuration is not valid, sqtracker will fail to start.

The initial admin user

On first start up, sqtracker will create a user named admin with the password admin. A confirmation email will be sent to the admin email address you specified in your config file. Once logged in for the first time, you should change the admin password immediately. This admin user can be used to send other admin invites (normal accounts cannot send admin invites). This user cannot be deleted/banned.



An sqtracker deployment is made up of 4 separate components. These are:

1. The sqtracker API service

The sqtracker API service handles all actions taken by users (authentication, uploads, searching etc.), implements the BitTorrent tracker specification to handle announces and scrapes, and provides the RSS feed.

2. The sqtracker client service

The sqtracker client service provides the modern, responsive web interface that users interact with.

3. A MongoDB database

MongoDB is a popular and powerful document-oriented database. Version 5.2 or higher is required.

4. A HTTP proxy server

The HTTP proxy allows the client, API, and BitTorrent tracker to all be accessible via a single endpoint.

Traefik is recommended and is configured by default. An Nginx config file is also provided for those that prefer it and the docker-compose.yml file contains an Nginx block that can be enabled.

Deploying with Docker compose

The sqtracker platform is designed to be deployed via Docker. Once a configuration file is created, deploying is as simple as running docker compose up -d at the root of the project.

To get HTTPS working, you will need to change a few values:

If you change the name of any services in docker-compose.yml, you will also need to update the relevant host names in your config.js and traefik.yml files.

sqtracker is reasonably light-weight, but you should still invest in a VPS with decent resources if you want to run a fast and performant tracker.

Deploying with a PaaS platform

Alternatively, you can deploy each service individually on a PaaS cloud platform such as Northflank.

You will need to deploy each of the 4 components listed above. The Docker images for the client and API services are published in this repository.

Adding a translation

New translations are always appreciated!

To add a new translation in your own language, create a new JSON file with your 2 character locale code in client/locales. For example, client/locales/en.json. In the client/locales/index.js file, you should then import your JSON file and add it to the exported object along with the existing locales.

The best place to start is to copy the en.json file and work through it, translating each English string.

There is also an inlang project to aid with translation.

Existing translations

LanguageContributed by
Simplified Chinese@0EAC


Splash screen <img width="1663" alt="splash" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762121-e7800d27-c5f1-4288-ba6e-f33c235b9b27.png">

Home <img width="1707" alt="home" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762088-e604d1d6-7f6a-4910-b7ff-500e0e762056.png">

Torrent <img width="1707" alt="torrent" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762124-70d00f99-287a-4efa-90ed-47db7a0be39b.png">

Upload <img width="1707" alt="upload" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762133-0a359ca0-6a18-4440-80f6-6d28adba1a6f.png">

Categories <img width="1707" alt="categories" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762073-b1d42889-2868-414e-af60-9fe75ba48ee1.png">

Profile <img width="1663" alt="profile" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762104-238c90ab-c144-42f1-869e-bbae120f556f.png">

Account <img width="1663" alt="account" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762053-90667723-db6e-473c-8ae0-11bc635f322e.png">

Announcement <img width="1663" alt="announcement" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762065-e91ca084-1f9a-4af5-9232-291d87625c7a.png">

Request <img width="1663" alt="request" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762116-38cf1b95-7c76-4476-9276-19f6c77c2c9a.png">

Report <img width="1707" alt="report" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6264509/218762109-b76bd5f1-b333-4d09-9c9a-e2fa87b3c2de.png">


Pull requests are welcome! If you fork sqtracker and think you have made some improvements, please open a pull request so other users deploying sqtracker from this repository can also get the benefits.

Please see the CONTRIBUTING document for guidance on code style etc.


A lot of hard work goes into building and maintaining sqtracker. If you're feeling kind, my PayPal link is in the GitHub "Sponsor this project" section. If you would prefer a different method, please reach out to me on Discord.
