

GCP-CROWN: General Cutting Planes for Bound-Propagation-Based Neural Network Verification

We generalize the bound propagation procedure (such as CROWN and β-CROWN) to allow the addition of arbitrary cutting plane constraints, including those involving relaxed integer variables that do not appear in existing bound propagation formulations. Our generalized bound propagation method, GCP-CROWN, opens up the opportunity to apply general cutting plane methods for neural network verification while benefiting from the efficiency and GPU acceleration of bound propagation methods.

As a case study, we use cutting planes generated by a MIP solver, and find that it can generate high-quality cutting planes for strengthening bound-propagation-based verifiers using GCP-CROWN. Since the branching-focused bound propagation procedure and the cutting-plane-focused MIP solver can run in parallel utilizing both GPUs and CPUs, their combination can quickly explore a large number of branches with strong cutting planes, leading to strong verification performance. GCP-CROWN is the first verifier that can completely solve the oval20 benchmark and verify twice as many instances on the oval21 benchmark compared to the best tool in VNN-COMP 2021. GCP-CROWN is part of the α,β-CROWN, the VNN-COMP 2022 winner.

More details can be found in our paper:

General Cutting Planes for Bound-Propagation-Based Neural Network Verification
NeurIPS 2022
Huan Zhang*, Shiqi Wang*, Kaidi Xu*, Linyi Li, Bo Li, Suman Jana, Cho-Jui Hsieh, and Zico Kolter (*Equal contribution)

Reproducing results

GCP-CROWN has been incorporated into our α,β-CROWN verifier (alpha-beta-CROWN), which is the winning tool of VNN-COMP 2022 and VNN-COMP 2021 with the highest total score. To reproduce the results in the paper, please use the codebase in α,β-CROWN repo following the detailed instructions below.

<p align="center"> <a href="https://abcrown.org"><img src="https://www.huan-zhang.com/images/upload/alpha-beta-crown/logo_2022.png" width="28%"></a> </p>

Installation and setup

Our code is tested on Python 3.7+ and PyTorch 1.11. It can be installed easily into a conda environment. If you don't have conda, you can install miniconda.

# Clone the alpha-beta-CROWN verifier
git clone https://github.com/huanzhang12/alpha-beta-CROWN.git
cd alpha-beta-CROWN
# Remove the old environment, if necessary.
conda deactivate; conda env remove --name alpha-beta-crown
conda env create -f complete_verifier/environment.yml --name alpha-beta-crown  # install all dependents into the alpha-beta-crown environment
conda activate alpha-beta-crown  # activate the environment

We currently require the IBM CPLEX solver to find effective cuts for verification. It is free for students and academics from here. Please run the following commands to install CPLEX solver and compile its C++ interfacing code:

# Install IBM CPLEX >= 22.1.0
# Download from https://community.ibm.com/community/user/datascience/blogs/xavier-nodet1/2020/07/09/cplex-free-for-students
chmod +x cplex_studio2210.linux_x86_64.bin  # Any version >= 22.1.0 should work. Change executable name here.
# You can directly run the installer: ./cplex_studio2210.linux_x86_64.bin; the response.txt created below is for non-interactive installation.
cat > response.txt <<EOF
sudo ./cplex_studio2210.linux_x86_64.bin -f response.txt
# Build the C++ code for CPLEX interface. Assumming we are still inside the alpha-beta-CROWN folder.
sudo apt install build-essential  # A modern g++ (>=8.0) is required to compile the code.
# Change CPX_PATH in complete_verifier/CPLEX_cuts/Makefile if you installed CPlex to a non-default location, like inside your home folder.
make -C complete_verifier/CPLEX_cuts/

Reproducing GCP-CROWN results

All the configs to reproduce the running results are collected in complete_verifier/exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/ folder, using the September 2022 release of the α,β-CROWN (alpha-beta-CROWN) verifier. Below we show the detailed commands for running each experiments.

To reproduce the results for oval20 models, please run

python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/oval_base_cplex.yaml # oval20 base
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/oval_deep_cplex.yaml # oval20 deep
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/oval_wide_cplex.yaml # oval20 wide

To reproduce the results for VNN-COMP21 benchmarks oval21 and cifar10-resnet, please run

python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/oval21.yaml # oval21
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/cifar10-resnet.yaml # cifar10-resnet

To reproduce the results for SDP models, please run

python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/mnist_cnn_a_adv.yaml # mnist_cnn_a_adv
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/cifar_cnn_a_adv.yaml # cifar_cnn_a_adv
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/cifar_cnn_a_adv4.yaml # cifar_cnn_a_adv4
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/cifar_cnn_b_adv.yaml # cifar_cnn_b_adv
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/cifar_cnn_b_adv4.yaml # cifar_cnn_b_adv4
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/cifar_cnn_a_mix.yaml # cifar_cnn_a_mix
python abcrown.py --config exp_configs/GCP-CROWN/cifar_cnn_a_mix4.yaml # cifar_cnn_a_mix4

BibTex Entry

  title={General Cutting Planes for Bound-Propagation-Based Neural Network Verification},
  author={Zhang, Huan and Wang, Shiqi and Xu, Kaidi and Li, Linyi and Li, Bo and Jana, Suman and Hsieh, Cho-Jui and Kolter, J Zico},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},