Repository Tools
This a set of tools that helps me (and hopefully you) to manage YUM repositories, following a testing and updates workflow.
What problems does it solve?
- safely upload packages to testing repositories.
- sign packages and update repositories metadata.
- deploy packages to updates, in a surpevised way.
repotools secret is a good balance between convention, configuration and automatization.
How can I use it?
Create your repository configuration file.
cp etc/repos.json.example etc/repos.json vim etc/repos.json
As in any other testing and updates workflow, it is expected that you have atesting repository for each updates one,
To make things a bit safer, you can specify filters for each repository such as accepted-architectures and packages keywords, repotools will purge whatever does not comply with your definitions.
All steps include user confirmation so you can check what is finally going to impact your repositories.
Upload packages to a repository.
./ xo1 ./mock/*.rpm
repotools will copy all the rpms in the ./mock/ directory that comply with the xo1 definitions, to the corresponding xo1 testing reository.
Sign packages and update repositories metadata.
./ xo1 testing
repotools will sign all the packages in the testing repository, and then it will update the repository metadata.
Once the packages are sufficienty tested, you can deploy these packages to the updates final repository.
./ xo1 updates
In this case, repotools will find all latest versions of the packages in testing, that are not in updates already, and copy them to updates. The previous step will also purge anything that does not complies with the repository definition.
Once the packages are copied to the updates repository, these packages will be signed and the repository metadata will be updated.
Update specific packages on updates repositories.
./ xo1 updates kernel driver
repotools will only deploy in the xo1 updates repository, packages that matches the kerwords "kernel" or "driver".
Use some of the internal tools.
./helpers/ -d ~/Devel/repos -a x86_64 -s authbind
repotools will list all packages are under ~/Devel/repos directory, recusively, that matches with the specified architectures and keywords.