

Bundle Tools

This a set of tools that helps me (and hopefully you) to manage Sugar bundles updates.

What problems does it solve?

How can I use it?

  1. Get latest bundletools bits.

    git clone https://github.com/tchx84/bundletools.git
    cd bundletools
  2. Create or download your configuration recipe.

    cp etc/bundles.json.example etc/bundles.json
    vim etc/bundles.json


    cp ~/Downloads/bundles.json etc/bundles.json
  3. Update one or more bundles, to a specific bundles repository.

    ./update.sh arm-addons Letters-25.xo

    It will automatically upload the bundle to the corresponding directory in the server and it will also re-generate the microformat file.

  4. Remove bundles specifying an expression.

    ./remove.sh arm-addons Letters*

    It will list all the bundles that matches the expression, and will remove the bundles from the corresponding bundles directory, after confirmation.

  5. Make an inventory of all activities provided:

    ./helpers/inventory.py --path /path/to/bundles/

    It will output, in CVS format, the list of activities. This includes the activity bundle_id and name.