

Extensions and :: operator

Proposal status

This is an ECMAScript (JavaScript) proposal in stage 1.

Note: The proposal could be seen as the reshape of the "virtual method" part of old bind operator proposal, see https://github.com/tc39/proposal-bind-operator/issues/56.

Simple examples

Example of ad-hoc extension methods and accessors

// define two extension methods
const ::toArray = function () { return [...this] }
const ::toSet = function () { return new Set(this) }

// define a extension accessor
const ::allDivs = {
	get() { return this.querySelectorAll('div') }

// reuse built-in prototype methods and accessors
const ::flatMap = Array.prototype.flatMap
const ::size = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, 'size')

// Use extension methods and accesors to calculate
// the count of all classes of div element.
let classCount = document::allDivs
	::flatMap(e => e.classList::toArray())

roughly equals to:

// define two extension methods
const $toArray = function () { return [...this] }
const $toSet = function () { return new Set(this) }

// define a extension accessor
const $allDivs = {
	get() { return this.querySelectorAll('div') }

// reuse built-in prototype method and accessor
const $flatMap = Array.prototype.flatMap
const $size = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, 'size')

// Use extension methods and accesors to calculate
// the count of all classes of div element.
let $
$ = $allDivs.get.call(document)
$ = $flatMap.call($, e => $toArray.call(e.classList))
$ = $toSet.call($)
$ = $size.get.call($)
let classCount = $

Example of using constructors or namespace object as extensions

// util.js
export const toArray = iterable => [...iterable]
export const toSet = iterable => new Set(iterable)
import * as util from './util.js'

const ::allDivs = {
	get() { return this.querySelectorAll('div') }

let classCount = document::allDivs
		e => e.classList::util:toArray())

roughly equals to:

import * as util from './util.js'

const $allDivs = {
	get() { return this.querySelectorAll('div') }

let $
$ = $allDivs.get.call(document)
$ = Array.prototype.flatMap.call($,
	e => util.toArray(e.classList))
$ = util.toSet($)
$ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, 'size').get.call($)
let classCount = $

Changes of the old bind operator proposal

Other matrials