

UseLeet NPM JavaScript Style Guide codecov License: WTFPL


Leet-ify your text with leet speak. React hook turns your given text value into 1337 SP34K.

71v3 d3m0


npm install --save @taystack/use-leet


import React from "react";

import { useLeet } from "@taystack/use-leet";

const Example = () => {
  const [value, setValue, leetValue] = useLeet("dope hacks!");
  return (<>
      onChange={event => setValue(event.target.value)}
// => ( react fragment )
// <input />
// <div>d0p3 haxzorz</div>

const ExampleWithCustomLeetMap = () => {
  const leetMap = { c: "¢" };
  const [stateValue, stateValueSetter, leetValue] = useLeet("nice zeebra dude", leetMap);
  return (<div>{leetValue}</div>);
/* => <div>n1¢3 z33br4 d00d</div> */

Setting your leetMap globally

It's possible to just set your optional leetMap from an exported global UseLeet. Once this is done, you don't have to worry about providing it in the hook.

import UseLeet from "@taystack/use-leet";

import App from "./App";

const customLeetMap = { c: "¢" };
UseLeet.setMap(customLeetMap); // <- set it and forget it

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))

default export UseLeet

import UseLeet from "@taystack/use-leet";

UseLeet.setMap( HASH customLeetMap )

customLeetMapHASHConfigures matching letters to return STRING values
const myCustomLeetMap = { a: "@", g: "6", c: "¢", n: "ñ", "i": "¡" };

function ShowLeet({ text }) => {
  const [val, setVal, leetText] = useLeet("I crunch granola");
  return (<>{leetText}</>);
// => "¡ ¢ruñ¢h 6r@ñ01@"

UseLeet.setGenerator( FUNC customGenerator )

customGeneratorFUNCcustomGenerator overrides the default leet generator. Make this method return a string
const customJavaScriptLeetTranslator = text => text.toUpperCase();


const [_, set_, leetVal] = useLeet("this text");
// => leetVal = "THIS TEXT"

export useLeet

const [STRING value, FUNC setValue, STRING leetValue] = useLeet ( STRING defaultValue [, customLeetMap HASH ])

This is essentially const [value, setValue] = useState("") but with an extra returned item leetValue.

argumenttypeeffectrequireddefault value
defaultValueSTRINGThe value to initialize withNo""
customLeetMapHASH{key/value} pairs to override default leet mapNo{}
valueSTRINGThis is [value, _] = useState(defaultValue)
setValueFUNCThis is [value, setValue] = useState(defaultValue), re-converts leetValue automatically
leetValueSTRINGThe converted 7334


WTFPL © taystack

This hook is created using create-react-hook.