

ESP32-S3 Espressif based 3D printed Anemometer



This project will replace my broken anemometer (wind speed and wind direction sensor). The project is structured into two parts a.) a calibration solution which uses GPS to calibrate the sensor and b.) a production version which will be embedded into the 3D printed anemometer. The anemometer will be connect through Wifi with AWS to send (MQTT) measurements to the cloud where a web site is hosted. Given that the anemometer will be mounted on the roof of my house, it is important to be able to update the device without connecting a computer to it. Therefor OTA is implemented. The device can be updated by sending a MQTT message. The device downloads the requested firmware version from an AWS S3 bucket. All communication is secured using mutual TLS authentication. I'm also planning to power the device with a battery and a solar cell, that will require the implementation of a power management approach utilizing the low power modes of the used MCU.




Functional for calibration use-case

What is working

Todo List

Hardware Images

The board-setup used for the calibration use-case:

Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 TFT

The 3D printed anemometer:

Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 TFT Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 TFT

Hardware BOM


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