

N64 Voter App 🎮


This app's aim is allow users to vote for their favorite Nintendo 64 app.

This project is initialized using the https://github.com/tarikpnr/react-native-typescript-starter repo. 🚀


We have a Nintendo 64. As a team, we need to decide which game to buy next. Create a small single-page application that allows us to vote on our favorite Nintendo 64 game.


<h2>Demo</h2> <div align="center"> <img src="./docs/demo.gif"/> </div>
<h2>Running e2e tests</h2> <div align="center"> <img src="./docs/e2e-demo.gif"/> </div>


<details><summary> Code </summary>
// For more info on how to write Detox tests, see the official docs:
// https://github.com/wix/Detox/blob/master/docs/README.md

const { reloadApp } = require("./reload");

describe("Example", () => {
  beforeEach(async () => {
    await reloadApp();

  it("First game card has the like text and button are available on the screen", async () => {
    // tests if the elements are on the screen
    await expect(element(by.id("game-card-like-text-1"))).toExist();
    await expect(element(by.id("game-card-like-button-1"))).toExist();

    // test game card has the like text available on the screen
    const likeTextAttrs = await element(

    await expect(element(by.text(likeTextAttrs.text))).toExist();

  it("pressing the like button of the first game card should increase the like count by one", async () => {
    // get like text(like count) before the like button is "tapped"
    const beforeLikeTextAttrs = await element(

    // Tap to the like button to increase like count
    await element(by.id("game-card-like-button-1")).tap();

    // calculate final like text(count)
    const increasedLike = Number(beforeLikeTextAttrs.text) + 1;

    // get updated like text
    const afterLikeText = await element(

    // test whether the like text(count) has been increased
    await expect(element(by.text(afterLikeText.text.toString()))).toHaveText(

</details> <h2>Covered concepts</h2>

Running locally

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Run json-server

  yarn start-server

Start the emulator for ios.

 cd ios && pod install && yarn run ios

or for android

  yarn run android