Tmux plugin to fetch the github profile. Displays, the currently authenticated git username.
- Adds github username to the status line.
If you are using gh
cli to manage your or affliated github accounts and switch between them, then this plugin shows the currently active account in the tmux status line.
Note: Please use this command to check whether tmux is able to find gh
: tmux run-shell -b 'command -v gh && echo "gh is available" || echo "gh is not available"'
Install via TPM
Add this line to your ~/.tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'tardunge/tmux-gh'
Reload configuration, then press prefix
+ I
to install plugin.
For rendering the current active gh account:
# in .tmux.conf
set-option -g status-right '#{tmux_gh_uname}'
# incase you are using powerlevel10k theme.
# set your desired area with the place-holder #{tmux_gh_uname}
set-option -g @themepack-status-right-area-right-format "#{tmux_gh_uname}"
You can switch your github profile as usual using
gh auth switch
Now, the username should be automatically changed in the status-line.
Here are available options with their default values:
# in .tmux.conf
set-option -g @tmux_gh_icon "" # defaults to "Github:"
set-option -g @tmux_gh_default_uname "tardunge" # defaults to "tmux-gh-uname"