

Migrations manager for Tarantool Cartridge

@lookup README.md

Migrations module allows you to run cluster-wide migrations for your data.

It stores the list of applied migrations in cluster-wide config and applies resulting schema to cartridge ddl.


  1. Add migrations dependency:

    -- <project-name>-scm-1.rockspec
        dependencies = {
            'migrations == <the-latest-tag>-1',
  2. Add migrator to the list of cartridge roles in init.lua:

    -- init.lua
      roles = {
  3. Put migrations code to ./migrations folder in your app. By default, migrator loads all files from it using lexicographical order. Every migration (e. g. 0001_create_my_sharded_space_DATETIME.lua) should expose a single parameter-less function up:

    return {
        up = function()
        local utils = require('migrator.utils')
        local f = box.schema.create_space('my_sharded_space', {
            format = {
                { name = 'key', type = 'string' },
                { name = 'bucket_id', type = 'unsigned' },
                { name = 'value', type = 'any', is_nullable = true }
            if_not_exists = true,
        f:create_index('primary', {
            parts = { 'key' },
            if_not_exists = true,
        f:create_index('bucket_id', {
            parts = { 'bucket_id' },
            if_not_exists = true,
            unique = false
        utils.register_sharding_key('my_sharded_space', {'key'})
        return true
  4. Call curl -X POST http://<your_tarantool_ip>:<http_port>/migrations/up once you are ready to migrate or connect to any instance of cluster and call require('migrator').up().

  5. What will happen then:

    • coordinator node (the one you curled upon) will trigger migrations execution on all replicaset leaders;
    • each replicaset leader will apply all available migrations and reply to coordinator;
    • each replicaset leader stores a list of applied migrations in a space;
    • if all replies are successful, coordinator will apply changes to the resulting cluster ddl-schema.
  6. That's it!

Advanced usage

IMPORTANT: code snippets below should be embedded to init.lua, so they would take effect on all nodes of the cluster.

  1. Change directory where migrations are located: embed the following to init.lua

    local migrator = require('migrator')
    local my_directory_loader = require('migrator.directory-loader').new('test/integration/migrations')
  2. ... or use migrator.config-loader to load migrations from Tarantool Cartridge clusterwide config.

    Configure migrator to use config-loader:

    local migrator = require('migrator')
    local config_loader = require('migrator.config-loader').new()

    Navigate to Cartridge webui "Code" to write your migrations. Migrations must be stored in *.lua files under "migrations/source" key:

    config-loader example

  3. ... or use your own loader - it should expose a single function list(self) which returns a similar-looking array:

    local my_loader = {
        list = function(_)
            return {
                    name  = '01_first',
                    up = function() ... end
  4. Disable cartridge.ddl usage:


    In this case, resulting schema will not be registered via cartridge_set_schema

Utils, helpers, tips and tricks

Upgrade from 0.* versions.

Applied migrations names storage method has been changed in 1.* version: applied migrations list is stored on each cluster node separately in _migrations space. An additional step is required before applying migrations after update from 0.*: call curl -X POST http://<your_tarantool_ip>:<http_port>/migrations/move_migrations_state or connect to any instance of cluster and call require('migrator').move_migrations_state(). This method does the following:

Rolling back to 0.* versions.

To perform a downgrade from 1.* to 0.* version do the following:

      - 01_migration.lua
      - 02_migration.lua
      . . .
