

wiredep-cli npm Build Status

Wiredep CLI interface

Getting Started

Install the module with npm:

$ npm install --save wiredep-cli

Command Line

Install wiredep globally to wire up Bower packages from the terminal.

$ npm install -g wiredep
$ wiredep
Wire Bower dependencies to your source code.

Usage: $ wiredep [options]

  -h, --help          # Print usage information
  -v, --version       # Print the version
  -b, --bowerJson     # Path to `bower.json`
  -d, --directory     # Your Bower directory
  -e, --exclude       # A path to be excluded
  -i, --ignorePath    # A path to be ignored
  -s, --src           # Path to your source file
  --dependencies      # Include Bower `dependencies`
  --devDependencies   # Include Bower `devDependencies`
  --includeSelf       # Include top-level bower.json `main` files
  --verbose           # Print the results of `wiredep`

Bower Hooks

You may also take advantage of Bower >=1.3.1's hooks, with a .bowerrc such as:

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "wiredep -s path/to/src.html"


See Wiredep for the available options


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm test.


Copyright (c) 2016 Stephen Sawchuk. Licensed under the MIT license.