

<div align="center"> <h1>VGit</h1> <table> <tr> <td> <strong>Visual Git Plugin for Neovim to enhance your git experience</strong> </tr> </td> </table>

Lua Neovim

<a href="https://github.com/tanvirtin/vgit.nvim/actions?query=workflow%3ACI"> <img src="https://github.com/tanvirtin/vgit.nvim/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=main" alt="CI" /> </a> <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg" alt="License" /> </a> </div> <br /> <div align="center"> <img width="1512" alt="Hunk Preview" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25164326/149684229-6fc1422a-3db2-4e17-88f9-eb5897ca5ddc.png"> </div>

Highlighted features



Recommended settings

vim.o.updatetime = 300
vim.o.incsearch = false
vim.wo.signcolumn = 'yes'


Default installation via Packer.

use {
  requires = {


You must instantiate the plugin in order for the features to work.


To embed the above code snippet in a .vim file wrap it in lua << EOF code-snippet EOF.

lua << EOF

Highlights, signs, keymappings are few examples of what can be configured in VGit. Advanced setup below shows you all configurable parameters in VGit.

<details><summary><b>Show advanced setup</b></summary> <br />
  keymaps = {
    ['n <C-k>'] = function() require('vgit').hunk_up() end,
    ['n <C-j>'] = function() require('vgit').hunk_down() end,
    ['n <leader>gs'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_hunk_stage() end,
    ['n <leader>gr'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_hunk_reset() end,
    ['n <leader>gp'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_hunk_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>gb'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_blame_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>gf'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_diff_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>gh'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_history_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>gu'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_reset() end,
    ['n <leader>gg'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_gutter_blame_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>glu'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_hunks_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>gls'] = function() require('vgit').project_hunks_staged_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>gd'] = function() require('vgit').project_diff_preview() end,
    ['n <leader>gq'] = function() require('vgit').project_hunks_qf() end,
    ['n <leader>gx'] = function() require('vgit').toggle_diff_preference() end,
  settings = {
    git = {
      cmd = 'git', -- optional setting, not really required
      fallback_cwd = vim.fn.expand("$HOME"),
      fallback_args = {
    hls = {
      GitBackground = 'Normal',
      GitHeader = 'NormalFloat',
      GitFooter = 'NormalFloat',
      GitBorder = 'LineNr',
      GitLineNr = 'LineNr',
      GitComment = 'Comment',
      GitSignsAdd = {
        gui = nil,
        fg = '#d7ffaf',
        bg = nil,
        sp = nil,
        override = false,
      GitSignsChange = {
        gui = nil,
        fg = '#7AA6DA',
        bg = nil,
        sp = nil,
        override = false,
      GitSignsDelete = {
        gui = nil,
        fg = '#e95678',
        bg = nil,
        sp = nil,
        override = false,
      GitSignsAddLn = 'DiffAdd',
      GitSignsDeleteLn = 'DiffDelete',
      GitWordAdd = {
        gui = nil,
        fg = nil,
        bg = '#5d7a22',
        sp = nil,
        override = false,
      GitWordDelete = {
        gui = nil,
        fg = nil,
        bg = '#960f3d',
        sp = nil,
        override = false,
    live_blame = {
      enabled = true,
      format = function(blame, git_config)
        local config_author = git_config['user.name']
        local author = blame.author
        if config_author == author then
          author = 'You'
        local time = os.difftime(os.time(), blame.author_time)
          / (60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12)
        local time_divisions = {
          { 1, 'years' },
          { 12, 'months' },
          { 30, 'days' },
          { 24, 'hours' },
          { 60, 'minutes' },
          { 60, 'seconds' },
        local counter = 1
        local time_division = time_divisions[counter]
        local time_boundary = time_division[1]
        local time_postfix = time_division[2]
        while time < 1 and counter ~= #time_divisions do
          time_division = time_divisions[counter]
          time_boundary = time_division[1]
          time_postfix = time_division[2]
          time = time * time_boundary
          counter = counter + 1
        local commit_message = blame.commit_message
        if not blame.committed then
          author = 'You'
          commit_message = 'Uncommitted changes'
          return string.format(' %s • %s', author, commit_message)
        local max_commit_message_length = 255
        if #commit_message > max_commit_message_length then
          commit_message = commit_message:sub(1, max_commit_message_length) .. '...'
        return string.format(
          ' %s, %s • %s',
            '%s %s ago',
            time >= 0 and math.floor(time + 0.5) or math.ceil(time - 0.5),
    live_gutter = {
      enabled = true,
      edge_navigation = true, -- This allows users to navigate within a hunk
    authorship_code_lens = {
      enabled = true,
    scene = {
      diff_preference = 'unified', -- unified or split
      keymaps = {
        quit = 'q'
    diff_preview = {
      keymaps = {
        buffer_stage = 'S',
        buffer_unstage = 'U',
        buffer_hunk_stage = 's',
        buffer_hunk_unstage = 'u',
        toggle_view = 't',
    project_diff_preview = {
      keymaps = {
        buffer_stage = 's',
        buffer_unstage = 'u',
        buffer_hunk_stage = 'gs',
        buffer_hunk_unstage = 'gu',
        buffer_reset = 'r',
        stage_all = 'S',
        unstage_all = 'U',
        reset_all = 'R',
    project_commit_preview = {
      keymaps = {
        save = 'S',
    signs = {
      priority = 10,
      definitions = {
        GitSignsAddLn = {
          linehl = 'GitSignsAddLn',
          texthl = nil,
          numhl = nil,
          icon = nil,
          text = '',
        GitSignsDeleteLn = {
          linehl = 'GitSignsDeleteLn',
          texthl = nil,
          numhl = nil,
          icon = nil,
          text = '',
        GitSignsAdd = {
          texthl = 'GitSignsAdd',
          numhl = nil,
          icon = nil,
          linehl = nil,
          text = '┃',
        GitSignsDelete = {
          texthl = 'GitSignsDelete',
          numhl = nil,
          icon = nil,
          linehl = nil,
          text = '┃',
        GitSignsChange = {
          texthl = 'GitSignsChange',
          numhl = nil,
          icon = nil,
          linehl = nil,
          text = '┃',
      usage = {
        screen = {
          add = 'GitSignsAddLn',
          remove = 'GitSignsDeleteLn',
        main = {
          add = 'GitSignsAdd',
          remove = 'GitSignsDelete',
          change = 'GitSignsChange',
    symbols = {
      void = '⣿',

Status Line

Use b:vgit_status, a table containing the current buffer's number of added, removed, changed lines.


set statusline+=%{get(b:,'vgit_status','')}


<img width="342" alt="VGit Commands" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25164326/147710754-fcbe0cef-3e74-41cd-a6d6-4b9a6a9eb258.png"> <br />
Function NameDescription
setupSets VGit up for you. This plugin cannot be used before this function has been called.
hunk_upMoves the cursor to the hunk above the current cursor position.
hunk_downMoves the cursor to the hunk below the current cursor position.
checkout [args]Wrapper command for git checkout. You can switch branches or restore working tree files
buffer_hunk_previewOpens a diff preview showing the diff of the current buffer in comparison to that found in index. This preview will open up in a smaller window relative to where your cursor is.
buffer_diff_previewOpens a diff preview showing the diff of the current buffer in comparison to that found in index. If the command is called while being on a hunk, the window will open focused on the diff of that hunk.
buffer_history_previewOpens a diff preview along with a table of logs, enabling users to see different iterations of the file through it's lifecycle in git.
buffer_blame_previewOpens a preview detailing the blame of the line that based on the cursor position within the buffer.
buffer_gutter_blame_previewOpens a preview which shows all the blames related to the lines of the buffer.
buffer_diff_staged_previewOpens a diff preview showing the diff of the staged changes in the current buffer.
buffer_hunk_staged_previewOpens a diff preview showing the diff of the staged changes in the current buffer. This preview will open up in a smaller window relative to where your cursor is.
buffer_hunk_stageStages a hunk, if a cursor is on the hunk.
buffer_hunk_resetRemoves all changes made in the buffer on the hunk the cursor is currently on to what exists in HEAD.
buffer_stageStages all changes in the current buffer.
buffer_unstageUnstages all changes in the current buffer.
buffer_resetRemoves all current changes in the buffer and resets it to the version in HEAD.
project_diff_previewOpens a diff preview along with a list of all the files that have been changed, enabling users to see all the files that were changed in the current project
project_logs_preview [args]Opens a preview listing all the logs in the current working branch. Users can filter the list by passing options to this list. Pressing the "tab" key on a list item will keep the item selected. Pressing the "enter" key on the preview will close the preview and open "project_commits_preview" with the selected commits
project_commit_previewOpens a preview through which staged changes can be committed
project_commits_preview [args]Opens a diff preview along with a list of all your commits
project_stash_previewOpens a preview listing all stashes. Pressing the "enter" key on the preview will close the preview and open "project_commits_preview" with the selected stashes
project_hunks_previewOpens a diff preview along with a foldable list of all the current hunks in the project. Users can use this preview to cycle through all the hunks.
project_hunks_staged_previewOpens a diff preview along with a foldable list of all the current staged hunks in the project. Users can use this preview to cycle through all the hunks.
project_debug_previewOpens a VGit view showing logs of a pariticular kind traced within the application.
project_hunks_qfPopulate the quickfix list with hunks. Automatically opens the quickfix window.
project_stage_allStages all file changes in your project.
project_unstage_allUnstages all file changes in your project.
project_reset_allDiscards all file changes that are not staged.
toggle_diff_preferenceUsed to switch between "split" and "unified" diff.
toggle_live_gutterEnables/disables git gutter signs.
toggle_live_blameUsed to switch between "split" and "unified" diff.
toggle_authorship_code_lensEnables/disables authorship code lens that can be found on top of the file
toggle_tracingEnables/disables debug logs that are used internally by VGit to make suppressed logs visible.
<details> <summary><h3> Debugging </h3></summary>

Start off by allowing VGit to trace your actions:

Each category of logs can be previewed using the following commands:
