This is a zero dependency compile-time JSON parser written in TypeScript.
import { JSONUP, ObjectLike } from 'jsonup' // Node
import { JSONUP, ObjectLike } from 'jsr:@tani/jsonup' // Deno
const src = `{ "name": "jsonup" }`
type Str = typeof src // Type: `'{ "name": "jsonup" }'`
type Obj = ObjectLike<Str> // Type: `{ name: string }`
* JSONUP.parse infers the type from a given object.
* The type parameter is optional.
// Type: `{ name: string }` the inferred record type
// Value: `{ name: "jsonup" }` the generated object
let obj = JSONUP.parse(src)
let obj = JSONUP.parse<Obj>(src)
* JSONUP.stringify guarantees the semantic equality between
* the generated string and the given literal type.
* The type parameter is required (maybe).
// Type: `'{ "name": "jsonup" }'` the given literal type
// Value: `'{ "name": "jsonup" }'` the generated string
const str = JSONUP.stringify<Str>(obj)
Copyright and License
(c) 2022 TANIGUCHI Masaya.