

<img src="public/media/logo.svg" alt="alt text" height="40" alt='Nextatic logo'>

A fully static website generator with i18n features, Netlify serverless CMS, Next.js, SCSS and Typescript.

See the live demo




git clone git@github.com:tancredi/nextatic.git
cd nextatic
npm install


npm run dev
# The dev server runs on http://localhost:3000 by default


npm run export
# The static website will be built in the `dist` folder


The admin interface will be available in /admin using Netlify authentication.

Multi-language setup

By default, the boilerplate is setup in English (en - default) and Italian (it) - you can change the locales and default locale under the i18n.locales and i18n.default_locale key in public/admin/config.yml.

The changes should be reflected immediately as src/core/config reads the settings directly from the CMS YAML configuration.

Internalisation features on Netlify CMS are still in beta, you can read about them here.

In a nutshell, both collections and specific fields in the config should have a i18n: true attribute, which will create entries in different folders.

When the models pull content in the Next.js codebase using methods exported by utils/content, the data will extend the default language entry and extend with values from the translated entry.

Note: you must keep the i18n.structure set to multiple_folders as this boilerplate.

What is it good for?

This is a good setup if you're looking to tackle building a static website with some CMS requirements in at least than one language, as most of the complexity is involved in the routing and merging of content from the CMS.

Otherwise, there would be a lot of stripping down to do, and I would recommend starting from scratch.

The main restriction is the assumption that most of the website will live under the /[locale]/[page-slug] route, for example /en/my-page.

How does it work?

As you can see from the Next.js routes in src/pages, most of the work is done by a single route, [locale]/[slug].tsx, which will load the localised content of a page entry from the CMS and render the src/page-components/DefaultPage.tsx component with it or any other component mapped to that slug in src/page-components/index.ts


Modules exporting CMS entry types and sync getters can be found under src/models. They can be used as templates for new CMS entries, as long as the model matches definitions in the CMS configuration, found in public/admin/config.yml

Netlify config

Use the following configuration to deploy correctly on netlify:


The project started by forking iammary/nextjs-netlifycms-ts-starter, so thanks to @iammary