<h1 align="center" id="title">Gfetch</h1> <p id="description">A fetch script written in Python that's all.</p> <h2>Project Screenshots:</h2> <h2>🧐 Features</h2>Here're some of the project's best features:
- Randomizing colors
- Easy to Modify
- Faster (sort of)
cd Gfetch
<p>3. Run the Executable file</p>
<p>4. Install the modules that your machine might be missing</p>
<p>5. You can Now run the fetch script</p>
<h2>🍰 Contribution Guidelines:</h2>
I am thinking of adding a Ascii of some sorts on the left side of the fetch info but Dont know how so help would be appriciated
<h2>💻 Built with</h2>Technologies used in the project:
- Python
- platform module
- psutil module