

Self-balancing robot using Atom Matrix, Atom Motion and Rust

A self-balancing robot made using Atom Matrix module, Atom Motion motor driver, and two servo-shaped geared motors.

This is an implementation of self-balancing robot using M5Stack's Atom Matrix and Atom Motion, written in Rust.

It supports both Atom Matrix (ESP32) and Atom S3 (ESP32-S3).

Bill of materials


Rust toolchains for ESP chips are required. It can be easily installed using EspUp.

After flashing firmware and turning the switch of Atom Motion, pushing the screen button of an Atom module starts motors. When the button is pushed again, motors stop.

Detailed information

For more information, please refer to https://zenn.dev/tana_ash/articles/5a458538cd9204 (Google Trasnlate).


MIT or Apache-2.0.